Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 39

“I have something for you,” Eve said. “Something that will make sure every single person in this club knows that you belong to me.”

Eve reached into her purse and produced a flat, square box. She opened it up and held it out to Faith, displaying its contents. Inside lay a wide choker-style necklace made up of rows and rows of sparkling diamonds.

Faith gasped. “Are those real?”

“Of course,” Eve said.

Faith reached into the box and ran her fingers along the necklace. She’d never touched anything so precious. The choker wasn’t the only thing in the box. Coiled beside the necklace was a chain as thick as a finger.

“The chain is platinum,” Eve said. “Strong but beautiful. Only the best for my pet .”

It all came together in Faith’s mind. The necklace was a collar.

The chain was a leash.

Faith’s skin began to tingle.

“I’ll put it on for you.” Eve took the choker out of the box. Brushing Faith’s hair to the side, Eve fastened the collar around Faith’s neck. It fit snugly. The silver felt cool against Faith’s skin.

Eve stepped back, examining her. “It looks lovely on you. There’s just one thing left to do.”

Eve took the leash and clipped it to the small ring at the front of the collar. She gave it an experimental tug. The delicate-looking chain was surprisingly strong.

“Don’t worry, I won’t make you crawl around.” Eve slid her hand up the leash to the base of the collar, reeling Faith in closer. “At least, not this time.”

Faith’s mouth opened then closed again. Eve wasn’t serious, was she?

Eve laughed softly. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”

Faith followed her to the door. She didn’t have much of a choice with Eve holding the other end of the leash. Mercifully, the leash was long enough for them to walk a few feet apart.

They entered the club. Just like the last time Faith had visited Lilith’s Den, it was packed with all kinds of women, all dressed richly, whether in leather, lace, or suits.

“Let’s find somewhere to sit,” Eve said. “Have a drink. Relax. Just the two of us.”

“Sure.” Faith glanced around. No one was giving Faith and Eve a second look. A woman being led around on a leash was completely normal here. Faith liked that. And she liked having this tangible symbol of the relationship between her and Eve. Faith belonged to Eve. She was Eve’s treasured pet. There was no doubt about it.

Eve tugged on Faith’s collar, pulling her toward the other end of the room. Faith was so distracted by everything around them that she almost tipped over as she hurried to follow. She was still just as in awe of the glamour and spectacle of it all as she’d been that first night in Lilith’s Den. But this time she didn’t feel any conflict or unease.

This time, it excited her.

They sat down in a dimly lit corner. A server came by to take their drink orders. Eve draped an arm around Faith’s shoulders, letting the leash hang loosely from her wrist. They lost themselves in each other’s words, and touch, and the dark, kinky world of Lilith’s Den.

Faith brought her hand up to the collar around her neck. She was starting to realize that what she felt for Eve was far more than just desire. Perhaps she was wrong to feel like she’d never again find that sense of belonging, that feeling like she had a place in the world. With Eve, she almost felt like she had that.

Eve reached out and drew her fingers through Faith’s hair. “You look like you’re enjoying


“I am,” Faith replied. “Thanks for bringing me here tonight.”

Eve smothered her with a kiss. Her lips were warm and soft.

Eve broke away. Her eyes wandered over to the far side of the room, where a crowd was gathered. There was a stage there, but Faith couldn’t see it from their seat.

“Looks like there’s a performance going on,” Eve said. “Let’s go take a closer look. I want you to see this.”

Using the leash, Eve drew Faith up and led her toward the stage. They pushed through the crowd until they reached a spot from which they could both see clearly.

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024