Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 38

“I’m good. I found a job.”

Faith told Hannah about her new job, leaving out the part about her and Eve having a secret relationship. Although Hannah was nowhere near as conservative as the rest of their family, Faith doubted she’d approve, mostly because Eve was Faith’s boss.

“Sounds like things are going well for you,” Hannah said. “So you’re staying out of trouble?”

Faith rolled her eyes. “I’m not sixteen anymore.” Back then, Faith had gotten into trouble constantly. She’d had a difficult time adjusting to her newfound freedom.

“How’ve you been?” Faith asked. “How are the kids?”

“They’re great.” Hannah filled Faith in on her life. Although she’d been single when Faith had lived with her, Hannah was married with kids now. Faith had no intention of ever getting married or living such a conventional life, but she envied the family Hannah had built for herself.

“So,” Hannah said. “Is there a reason you called? I feel like you want to ask me something.”

“That obvious, huh?” Faith said.

“I can tell there’s something on your mind, that’s all.”

“You’re right. It’s my sister. I’m worried about her.”

“The one you’re still in touch with?” Hannah asked. “Abigail?”

“Yep. She writes to me every two months like clockwork, but her latest letter is overdue. I’ve written to her twice since then, and I’ve heard nothing back.”

“You’re worried something has happened to her?”

“Yeah,” Faith said. “Or she got caught writing to me. That might be even worse. What if she’s in trouble? And all because of me.”

“It wouldn’t be your fault, Faith. Your sister is an adult. She chose to keep in touch with you. Any trouble she gets in isn’t your fault, or hers.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Look,” Hannah said. “I’m still in touch with someone back home. A teacher at the high school. She’s sympathetic to people like you and me. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind finding out if anything has happened to your sister. Of course, if Abigail is fine, you won’t know why the letters have stopped, but at least you’ll know she’s okay.”

“That would be great, Hannah. Thanks for doing this.”

“No problem,” Hannah replied. “I’m always here if you need me.”

They talked for a few more minutes until Hannah had to go. Faith hung up the phone, her gut churning with worry. There was one explanation for why her sister had stopped writing to her that Faith had refused to even consider until now. It was entirely possible that Abigail, like everyone else in her family, had started to believe that Faith’s sin of betraying their religion was unforgivable. Maybe, like everyone else, Abigail had decided that Faith was dead to her.

It wouldn’t surprise her. Her sister’s letters had never been particularly warm or friendly. It was as if Abigail had been conflicted while writing them. They had this distant, factual tone, and they rarely contained any questions for Faith’s life. Most of her letters were just superficial updates about their family. Her cousin had gotten engaged. Her oldest brother had a baby. The dogs had puppies. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for Faith to know that her family was okay. And she still cared about them, despite everything. Despite the fact that they’d rejected her.

Faith had never really gotten over that rejection. She wanted so desperately to believe in people and the idea that love and acceptance were real. But it was hard to believe that when the people in her life who were supposed to love her unconditionally had turned their backs on her.

She pulled herself together. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on the past. She had to get ready for tonight.

By the time Faith arrived at Lilith’s Den, she was a jumble of nerves and excitement. She entered the foyer, where Eve had promised to wait for her, and scanned the room. It was ‘ladies only’ night again, and there were a few women milling about, but Faith couldn’t find Eve.

Her eyes landed on a woman in a corset, with straight blonde hair and dark, smoky eyes. Eve. The corset she wore was different from the last time. This one was made of dark purple silk overlaid with black lace patterned with flowers. It was paired with a short black skirt, dark stockings, and those red-soled stiletto heels Faith had spotted in Eve’s closet so long ago.

Faith’s breath caught in her throat. For the first time, she felt like she was seeing Eve clearly. At first, she’d thought of Eve and the woman in the corset as two different people. As she and Eve had grown closer, and Eve had revealed more of herself, Faith had started to see Eve and the woman in the corset as two sides of the same coin. After all, Eve herself had said she thought of them as two different parts of her.

But that was wrong too. Eve and the woman in the corset were one. They were the same dominant, powerful, captivating woman who made Faith hunger for something she never thought she’d want. And Faith couldn’t believe that this woman wanted her so badly that she was willing to risk everything.

Eve spotted Faith, her dark eyes lighting up. She beckoned Faith over. Faith’s feet carried her to Eve’s side.

Eve raked her eyes up Faith’s body, her gaze brimming with lust. “You look so divine.” She cupped Faith’s cheek with her hand. “I’m going to enjoy showing you off tonight. Showing everyone you’re mine.”

Faith’s pulse began to race. The idea of being possessed by anyone else would have unsettled her. But the idea of being possessed by Eve filled her with an undeniable heat.

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024