Accidental Love (Accidental Hook-Up 1) - Page 35

He was dead. I mulled that over again and shook my head. I drew up Google to read about the crime and it was just as Amy told me it had been. Wrong place, wrong time. I finished lunch, tossing away the trash and getting back to my project. I planned to leave by six tonight and be home early to spend time with Celia.

Rick stepped into my office just after four and I looked up at him. “Would you be willing to work this weekend? I got hung up on some calls and fell behind on my job. I’m coming in.”

“I have plans but I could try to work from home. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time.” I replied as he ran a hand through his hair. “Take the day and come back Monday ready to work. We’re here enough.”

“I need to have this ready by Monday evening. They asked for it early.” He groaned as I shook my head.

“Never tell them you’ll do that. We’re slammed here,” I reminded him as he nodded.

“I can’t wait to have help. Next week.” He told me with a small smile. “Have a great weekend.”

“You too.” I told him as he moved to his own office. I stared at my computer screen for several moments, knowing that I was beyond working. I’d put in enough hours this week and closed it down. I didn’t have the tight deadlines that Rick did. I grabbed my things and told Heather to have a great weekend as I headed out the door. She smiled at me and I chuckled as I walked to my car, looking forward to being home.

I got home to find Dad pacing the kitchen and looked curiously at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Your mom and Celia were rear-ended today coming back from the mall. The car is totaled and they’re okay, but both hurting. The driver ran a red light and crashed right into them!” His voice was filled with anger and I gaped at him.

“Are they here?” I asked as he nodded wearily.

“Both on heavy pain killers and sleeping. I think they’ll be out for a while.” He told me as I wondered why nobody called me. “It just happened at two and things were crazy. Mom didn’t want to bother you at work for something so minor.”

“An accident isn’t minor.” I growled as he looked at me. “I’m going to check on them.” I headed upstairs, peering in on Mom sleeping for a moment before rushing to my room. Celia was under the covers and sleeping and I walked in to look closely at her. Her face was bruised on the right side and I knew how much her neck must hurt. I stroked her hair gently and leaned down to kiss her.

I knew that we weren’t going anywhere this weekend. I knew that she might be resting in bed all weekend, but I forced myself to be happy that she was okay. This could have been so much worse. We could easily replace a car but not them.

Brin called later to ask if she should come home. Dad left her a message, but she was working and didn’t get it until her set was over. She was panicked and worried and I assured her that they were resting and fine. She could stay in the city and we’d keep her posted.



My neck was throbbing when I blinked in the dark room, wondering where I was. I looked around, realizing that I could hardly move, and I moaned softly as I dropped my head back to the pillows. I tried to think back and remember what happened when I heard a door. Someone approached me, and I felt lips on my hair as I opened my eyes again. “Celia?” Remy asked, and I tried to see through blurry eyes. “You’re awake.”

“What happened?” I asked in a hoarse whisper as he gazed down at me.

“There was an accident. Someone rear-ended Mom Friday but you’re both okay.” He told me in a soothing voice as I pressed a hand to my head.

“I remember now. We were going towards the freeway to go home.” I breathed in slowly. “Are there pain pills?”

“Good ones. You’ve been out all night. Want another one?” Remy asked as I tried to think.

“I think I’m hungry. Should I eat when I take them?” I murmured as he kissed my hair again.

“Are you able to get to the couch with help? Mom’s watching TV on the couch.”

“I can try.” I let him help me, groaning at the aching muscles all through my body. He got me down the hall and the stairs, setting me on the couch before he went to make me some toast and get some coffee. Melinda was sitting against the cushions and smiled gently at me.

Tags: Mia Ford Accidental Hook-Up Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024