Accidental Love (Accidental Hook-Up 1) - Page 34

“I will. That sounds fun since it hasn’t been just the two of us in quite some time. With Brin moving out, it might be that way until the two of you decide to go.” Mom said softly as she smiled. Brin was moving in with her boyfriend in the city in the next week. I knew that she’d be here to visit but it wouldn’t be the same. I flinched a bit at the mention of us moving out since I had been thinking about it lately.

“You still have us for a while. Only the best for Celia,” I reminded Mom as I glanced at the clock. “I have to run. Take care of her for me.”

“Always. Have a good day.” Mom told me as she met my eyes, searching them. I walked out and started the car, pulling out to the road after a few seconds. The traffic was thinner today, presumably since it was Friday and people were taking time off. I wish I was one of them.

I pulled in and parked before entering the building. I headed right to my desk and appreciated the empty space as I settled in for the day, finishing off my coffee as I looked over the city. I had two projects to attempt to catch up on today and knew it would be busy. I tried to appreciate that instead of thinking about the beautiful woman that was naked in my bed.

“Good morning.” I jumped slightly and turned to see Rick at my door.

“Oh, hey. I was thinking about work.” I murmured as I looked at him.

“That’s a good thing,” he quipped as I forced a smile. “She’s coming in today to meet with Tanya. Since she can start Monday, I offered for Amy to start right away. We could use the help.”

“Good idea.” I imagined the two women that I slept with in the same room comparing stories for a moment and pinched the bridge of my nose tightly. “I don’t think she’ll require a great deal of training with her experience.”

“Hopefully not, no.” Rick said cheerfully as I nodded. “I am going to work on the Smith project this morning. Are you on the Grafton one?”

“That and the Bromley one.” I replied as he let out a low whistle. “I’ll be hiding out in here. Call me if you need anything.” Rick assured me that he would and continued to his own office as I blinked at my computer screen. I needed to get into this.

I worked straight through until lunch, ordering in some Thai so I could eat in my office. I listened to the rest of the podcast as I ate, looking over the city that I loved so much. I had a thought and turned back to the computer, pulling up a site with a smile. There were a few beach houses that were expensive, but I was saving money and so was Celia. I knew that she would use the inheritance if a good reason came up and a beach house might be it. It’s what she wanted the most and had for a while.

“Hi, Remy.” A female voice said from my door and I froze, knowing that it wasn’t Heather. I glanced up to see Amy, dressed in a clingy burgundy number with her hair down. I looked away, not needing to remember anything more about her.

“Amy. I gather you met with Tanya?” I asked as I noted that she smiled.

“I did. I didn’t realize that you dated so much here, Remy. I guess I was lucky to have you the time that I did.” I clenched my fist behind the monitor at her words, pissed that the women were gossiping about that when they were supposed to be handling work business.

“I wouldn’t call it dating.” Amy knew little about Jessie other than the fact that he died. I never shared the pain and confusion I went through with her. “I am with someone now, Amy. I’m in a relationship.” I stared at her as she arched a perfect brow at me in surprise. “I think you understand that I can be faithful and this one means everything to me.”

I watched as she paled, glancing at the floor. “I do. I’m happy for you, Remington.” Her voice was faint, and I nodded. “I guess I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Yes, you will.” She gave me a haunted smile and turned to leave, making me feel like my words hadn’t sunk in completely. Amy was aggressive when she wanted something as it had been her that made the first move at a college party. She was seductive and damn near scheming about it when she wanted to be. I had little doubt that she and Ian were both responsible for what happened between them since he worked the same way with women.

Tags: Mia Ford Accidental Hook-Up Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024