Gage (Men of Honor 1) - Page 54

“Can I ask what this is about?” I held my hands together to hide the slight tremble and hoped that my voice didn’t give anything away.

“We’ll get to that in a minute.” They followed me inside and we didn’t get any further than the vestibule because my legs refused to work any longer and I was in danger of passing out. “Did you know a Mr. and Mrs. Clarke in L.A.?” My widening eyes must’ve given me away and before I could form the lie in my mouth to tell them no, he carried on with his questioning.

My mind was screaming in fear and I wanted to run and hide. How could they know all this? It’s as if someone had pointed a microscope on my life from the time I left my hometown until now. “How… why are you asking me all of this?”

“You’re gonna have to come with us ma’am.”

Those were the last words I heard before I felt the cold steel being clasped around my wrists. I think I screamed, made threats and cried but all to no avail. My life had finally caught up with me but I still didn’t know how.

I saw my life flash before my eyes as I sat in the back of the car, hoping that no one saw me, that there was still hope of me coming out of this unscathed. But when I saw Gage and Holly Sievers driving by when we reached the end of the driveway it all came full circle. How had they known?



* * *

“Babe I don’t think we should be doing this.” I kept my hand on her pregnant tummy and tried holding my cock still.

“It’s fine I promise, keep going I’m close.” I bet you are. The child in her womb kicked against my hand and no matter how often it’s happened in the past few months I still jumped.

All day I’ve been running evade and escape maneuvers to stay out of her clutches and avoid just what we were doing now, but I didn’t bank on her ass staying awake until I climbed into bed in the late hours of the night. As soon as my ass hit the bed she pounced.

All it took was her hand on my dick and here we are. It’s not my fault though, there’s just something about her new ripe figure that makes my dick hard and keeps it that way. Each month as her tummy grew, starting around the fifth month it’s been like that.

I’ve heard stories of men who found their pregnant spouse unattractive and wondered what the hell was wrong with them. They must be some cold unaffected assholes if you ask me. The fact that I could see my child growing inside her is to date the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

Nothing warms my heart more than putting my hand on the hard mound of her tummy and feeling my baby roll or turn around in there. And up until about a week ago I loved nothing better than getting my dick wet in her hot pregnant snatch. But now that she was nearing her due date it scares the shit outta me.

Her body changed even more since the kid dropped. Now I’m terrified that I’m gonna fuck around and bust her water or some shit no matter how the doc and the books say it’s virtually impossible. They don’t know how deep I fuck her sometimes when I lose myself and get lost in her.

So today I put my foot down and decided there will be no more dick for her until long after the baby was born. A lotta help that was, I’d even given her all the reasons for my decision when she pouted and sulked in the shower when I first refused her advances.

Even when she teased me about being afraid of her stamina and tried to guilt me into giving her-her way it hadn’t worked. But her hand on my cock did the job and before I knew it I was halfway down her throat and she was gagging on my shit and squeezing my balls. Silly me I thought I would just give her my mouth once she got me off but she had other ideas.

Instead of letting me cum in her mouth the little sneak brought me to the edge and stopped before planting her ass in my face in the middle of the bed where she ended up on her hands and knees. And that’s how I ended up balls deep in her pussy ten seconds before reality hit.

I tried pulling back but it was too late, her pussy went into lockdown mode and then she started this new massaging shit that I’d overheard her girl Tracy telling her about and that’s all she wrote.

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024