Gage (Men of Honor 1) - Page 53

Pretty soon the confines of the tub were too constricting and she needed more. “Fuck me harder Gage.” I swallowed those words seconds before I wrapped my arms more firmly around her and stood, stepping out of the tub where I placed her on her hands and knees on the rug right next to it.

I kept my hands in the same position as I bent over her fucking my cock in deep and at an angle. I knew from experience that I was in for a wild fuck, that something about putting the widow in her place gets her engines going, but being ever conscious of my son or daughter in her womb I took over and gave her what she wanted with restraint.

She came long before I did and once she’d cum the third or fourth time I pulled her off my cock and lifted her in my arms to take her to bed. I don’t mind fucking her other places but lately I prefer the comfort of the bed for her pregnant body.

I placed her gently on the mattress and came down between her thighs so that I could give her my mouth before fucking into her again. It took three pussy pounding fucks and one ass reaming before she was satisfied and took her ass to sleep. My dick was fucked raw but what’s new? I’m use to it by now.

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For the first time in my life I knew real fear. It’s been days since that anonymous text and I hadn’t heard anything since but the fear was ever present. It’s been a while since I had any dealings with anyone who knew that side of me. And to top it off, my dead husband’s children has started making waves again.

I didn’t have time to think about Gage and Holly since all of my time was occupied worrying about my house of cards tumbling down around me. Try as I might I can’t figure out who could’ve sent me the image and what was the purpose behind it.

There was no message, no follow up, nothing and that somehow made the whole situation seem scarier. If I knew who or what the person wanted I could come up with a plan, but with just the one contact and nothing further for days, I was beginning to fear my own shadow.

I’ve had the curtains drawn for days and had hardly left the bedroom going so far as to stock the mini fridge in here with food. I’ve already started gaining weight since I can’t get to the gym or anywhere else for that matter, and have just been eating my worries away.

I never knew how lonely and alone I was until now. Now when I felt cornered by this person and had nowhere to turn, no friends I could call to seek solace. It was sobering to realize that even though I’d rebuilt my life there was still one thing lacking, someone who cared.

Even Cedric had only wanted me on his arm to show off to his geriatric friends and hadn’t really borne me any real love. It was only through hard work, diligence and manipulation that I’d been able to get him to change his will, or more accurately, was able to change his will on my own. But now even that seems to be in jeopardy.

What else did this person know about me? What do they want? That was the recurring theme of all the scenarios going through my head. I’m sure whoever it was hadn’t sent me the photo just to say hello but their continued silence was torture.

It wasn’t my mother, I’d checked. It had been years since I even thought of her or even reached out, she knows nothing about my new life and I aim to keep it that way. No one in this town knows anything about my past and I would’ve thought that no one anywhere did, but it was obvious that someone knew, but who or where that someone was remained a mystery for three whole days.

It was the morning of the fourth day that my world came crashing down. I knew it as soon as I saw the two plain clothes detectives standing at the door. In my mind while they were introducing themselves I was wondering why I’d only now thought of disappearing.

I had enough money stashed away in a secret account that I could’ve pulled a runner and no one would be the wiser. But the thought of Cedric’s bastard children winning reminded me too much of my own father and the way I’d been treated by my half siblings.

Now as I faced the two men in the doorway I realized how stupid I’d been. “Mrs. Morales, I’m detective Boyce, this is detective Stevens may we come in?” As if I had a choice.

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024