Faking It with the Frenemy - Page 125

Besides, I can afford it. And if I couldn’t, I’d borrow the money. There’s absolutely nothing I wouldn’t do for Vi.

“Thanks, Kim,” I say as we get into the car. “I know this isn’t how you wanted to spend the weekend.”

She shakes her head. “Not at all. I want to help. For you and Vi.” She hesitates for a moment, then adds, “You need to talk to her.”

“I know.” I don’t know how to even broach the topic that her mom only wants her to collect child support. Fuck.

“Do you want me to be there?”

It’s my turn to hesitate. I kind of want to talk to Vi alone, but the plain fact is she’s bonded more with Kim. Her presence might help Vi process it better. I don’t want her to think I’m fighting to keep her to avoid giving money to her mom.

“Sure,” I say. “That would be great.”

Chapter Fifty-Four


When Kim and I are home, Vi calls me on FaceTime. Apparently, my parents told her I needed to talk to her. I’m not thrilled about the circumstances, since this is the kind of conversation that requires face-to-face interaction, but I know my parents mean well. They probably wanted me to be the one to speak to her and reassure her. At least I can see her expression on screen and gauge her emotions.

Kim sits next to me on the couch, and I angle the camera so Vi can see her as well. Champ comes over, squeezing between us, and Vi w

aves at the dog, who gives her a smile and pants. Kim asks Vi about her stay in Corn Meadows, and Vi tells her all about Mandee, her tone bright and happy.

I hate to have to shatter her mood. Why can’t Geneva just leave Vi alone? She’s getting used to life without Geneva and her toxic presence. Didn’t Geneva do enough damage at the wedding?

Eventually there’s a natural break in the conversation. “Listen, Vi. There’s something I need to tell you.”


Her slightly guarded expression is like a knife in my gut. Jesus. Have I been that bad of a father? It’s like she’s expecting me to deliver some terrible blow.

I choose my words with care and tell her Geneva might want to live with her from time to time. I can’t quite bring myself to tell her that her mom’s only interested in money. It seems like such a cruel thing to say, and I just don’t have the heart.

“So. She wants to be with me?” Vi asks hesitantly like she wouldn’t dare believe it. The guarded expression on her face breaks my heart.

What she wants is child support. I kick the thought away, then clear my throat. I can’t actually agree with Vi. That’d be a lie. “Do you want to live with your mom sometimes?” I ask, holding my breath. Say no, say no.

“Um…” Vi’s eyes dart between me and Kim a couple of times, then she looks down. “I don’t know. Maybe…?” She shrugs her small, narrow shoulders.

I never realize how cruel and devastating such a little gesture could be until now. It hurts worse than a punch to my solar plexus. This must be what defeat feels like. I knew she wouldn’t say, “Hell no,” but this sucks. Samantha’s warning comes back to me.

If she shows even the slightest hint that she might want to be with her mom, it’s going to be a factor.

If I thought Geneva loved Vi, even a little, I might be okay with it. But as far as Geneva’s concerned, Vi’s a pest she has to put up with until she finds herself a new sugar daddy. I’m certain Geneva won’t be happy with whatever child support she can squeeze out of me. She’s always been a greedy bitch.

My hands curl into fists. If I’d done a better job of bonding with Vi, maybe she wouldn’t still be clinging to Geneva like this.

Kim lays a soothing hand on my back. “Thanks for letting us know, Vi. It’s really important.”

“Oh. Okay.” Vi gives us a forced smile. “Hey, is it okay if I go now? Mandee’s mom said she’d take us shopping.”

“Sure,” I say, forcing a smile of my own. I don’t want her to think she’s letting me down. She hasn’t done anything wrong. She just wants to believe her mom loves her. What kid wouldn’t?

“Okay,” she says again. “Bye.” She hangs up.

I sigh, then lean back, a hand over my eyes. Maybe I should’ve told her the whole truth, but…

“Hey. Are you all right?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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