Faking It with the Frenemy - Page 124

“But she’s back. And judges do tend to side with mothers,” I say, feeling bitter that Geneva might be right about that part.

Samantha looks at me like I’m being overdramatic. “Shouldn’t matter. There’s a custody settlement, right?”

I frown. Don’t remember hearing anything about that. But I was pretty stressed out during the process. “I…guess…”

“You guess? You don’t know?”

I shrug. “My lawyer worked on it. That’s what I paid him to do.”

Samantha leans back in her chair. “But it’s your signature.”

Damn. She has a way of speaking that makes you feel deeply ashamed that you don’t remember what’s in the hundredth paragraph of a settlement.

She flips through the thick documents I gave her, then frowns. “Is this all you have?”

Uh-oh. “Yeah.”

“I don’t see a custody agreement. Your attorney was an idiot for not establishing one. Without one, tenacious, money-grubbing exes can come at you through your children.” She shakes her head. “I hope you didn’t pay him more than twenty bucks an hour, because that’s about all this work is worth.”

Ouch. The casually spoken judgment is harsh, but I can’t blame her. If what she said is true, my former lawyer screwed up. And it’s giving Geneva another shot at hurting Vi. I should’ve found someone better.

Samantha turns to Kim. “Are you guys dating? Maybe engaged?”

“Dating. Not engaged,” I say. I don’t like it that Samantha’s sharp attention is on Kim. She better not say anything to upset her, even if she thinks it’s necessary to hurt Geneva in the end.

Samantha steeples her fingers. “I see. Is there any possibility that you might get married soon? I ask because it would really help your case. Your ex-wife isn’t married, and her infidelity was the main cause of the divorce. She gave up all claim to your money, even if it was the result of the work you did while you were married. But I guess now she wants child support.”

How did she get all that already from just skimming the documents? I don’t think she’s guessing. She’s way too sure of herself.

She smiles. “Speed reading. It’s one of my numerous advantages over opposing counsel.”

I’m sure it’s a useful skill to have if you’re a lawyer. “We’re not planning to marry anytime soon.”

Samantha opens her mouth, then shuts it. “Well then. I’ll do what I can. In the meantime, you should talk to your child. See how she feels about all this.”

“She’s too young,” I say, more out of frustration at having to throw this at Vi than the fact that Samantha wants me to talk about it with her.

Samantha gives me a look. “Your ex-wife’s lawyer won’t care. They’re going to want to know what she’ll say when they ask her if she wants to live with her mom or you. And they’ll make it sound like if she chooses you, she’s saying she doesn’t love her mom.”

“What the fuck?” My hands clench into fists, and I fight to keep control of my temper. “My daughter’s ten! She isn’t a pawn to be used like that.”

She shrugs, like she’s used to this sort of reaction. “I’m just saying. It’s what I’d do if I were her lawyer. If she shows even the slightest hint that she might want to be with her mom, it’s going to be a factor.”

I grit my teeth. Samantha’s right, and I’m sure Geneva’s lawyer will do that and worse if it will get her the win she wants.

I need to think of this as a war. The prize is my daughter’s happiness and wellbeing, so Geneva needs to be fought every step of the way. It’s not about money. If paying her once would make her go away permanently, I might just do that. But I’m not letting her take our daughter hostage.

“All right,” I say finally, my voice calmer. “Thanks, Samantha.”

She nods. “It’s no problem.”

“I’d like you to represent me.”

“Excellent. Hugo will give you the retainer info and letter of engagement.”

We stand up and shake hands again, her relaxed and me grim with determination to make the Geneva problem vanish permanently. Kim and Samantha do the same, then we leave her office. Hugo has the documents ready, yellow arrow stickies on the lines that require my signature.

I scan the information and letter, sign both and write a check for the retainer to get Samantha started. Her hourly rate is high, but I trust Kim’s recommendation.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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