Acheron (Dark-Hunter 14) - Page 74

Part I Chapter 17

Styxx came off the floor with a furious curse of his own. He grabbed their father's sword and would have killed Acheron had their father not stopped him.

"Take him out and beat him," his father snarled.


Acheron looked up to see Ryssa in the doorway.

His father's expression was one of complete disbelief. "What did you say?"

She folded her arms over her chest and stood strong and determined in the center of the opened doors. "You heard me, Father. I said no."

The king's face flushed with fury. "You do not tell me what to do, woman."

"You're right," she said calmly. "I can't order you about. I have no power over you, but as the mistress of Apollo, I do have some say in what he does and who he pacifies, especially in regards to my own family . . ." She glanced meaningfully from him to Styxx and back again. "I'm sick of Acheron's abuse. No more."

The king gestured to Styxx. "Look at your brother. He's bleeding."

She looked at Acheron and nodded. "He's bled more than his share."

"Styxx is bleeding."

Her gaze went to the gown on the floor. "And for his cruelty I'd say he received a light sentence."

Styxx glared at her. "One day, Ryssa, I will be your king. You'd do well to remember that."

She met his angry sneer levelly. "And I'm the mother of a demigod. You'd do well to remember that, brother."

Styxx shoved her aside as he walked out of the room. Their father shook his head. "Women," he snarled before he left them alone.

Ryssa moved forward and snatched the gown from the floor before she wadded it into a ball. "I would apologize for him, but there's no excuse to be found." She snorted. "I only wish I could have used that argument to save you earlier. Little do they know Apollo couldn't care less what I thought. But that will be our secret, won't it?"

Acheron shrugged as he moved to the bed and pulled the sheet around him to cover his nudity from his sister's gaze. "I'd only be shocked if Father showed me anything other than contempt."

She let out another long, sad breath. "Should I have a tray of food sent to the bathing room for you?"

He shook his head. "I have no intention of going there again."

"You have to bathe."

Not really. Maybe if he stank enough no one would bother him anymore. But he wasn't willing to argue with his sister. "You should go and rest while Apollodorus doesn't need you."

She gave him a gentle hug before she left.

Ryssa had barely closed the door before Artemis stepped out of the shadows.

She smiled at him. "Say thank you, Artemis."

"Only if I can say it through gritted teeth."

She gaped at him as if she couldn't believe his anger. "You're not grateful?"

Acheron threw his hands up in surrender. "I don't want to fight with you, Artie. Honestly. I just want to lick my wounds for a while."

She materialized at his back and pulled him against her. "I'd rather lick them for you." She dipped her hand down to cup him.

Cringing over her caress, Acheron pulled her hand away from his groin. "Given that it's been less than a week since I had my nuts cut out, Artemis, I'm not in the mood."

She made a sound of disgust. "Don't be such a baby. You're intact now. Let's celebrate by putting them to use." She blew in his ear.

Acheron jerked away from her. Naturally, she followed him.

Just give her what she wants. Otherwise this would only continue to the point she'd get angry and probably attack him. I would rather have my eyes gouged out.

Of course, they'd only regrow which made him wonder if his balls wouldn't have done the same thing even without Artemis's help.

Honestly, there was no use in fighting this. It wasn't like he hadn't been forced to have sex with people he detested before. All an argument would do was delay the inevitable and get him hurt again.

You might as well get it over with as quickly as possible.

He turned to face her. "Where do you want me?"

The words had barely left his lips before he found himself on his back, in her bed with her naked on top of him.

"I've missed you, Acheron."

He cringed as she sank her teeth into his neck and then he did what he always did. He pleased her and took nothing for himself.

She didn't even notice except to say that she liked it when they weren't as messy as they were whenever he ejaculated. Now he lay holding her while she purred in satisfaction.

And Acheron was still empty inside.

Artemis sat up and wrapped a sheet around herself. "You better go back now. Hades is hosting a party in Zeus's temple tonight and I have to make an appearance."

He didn't even have time to open his lips before he was back in his room alone-like a discarded piece of furniture she was through with for the time being. He went to the washing bowl and poured a little water out of the pitcher to clean himself with and shave, then he dressed.

Soul sick, he considered going to a play, but why bother? It would take much more than that to ease what was hurt inside him. And as he looked around his prison, his gaze was drawn to the wine that Ryssa had brought. Unfortunately it wasn't strong enough to fill the empty hole that burned.

Grabbing his coin purse and cloak, he left the palace and went to the street where all the stews in town were relegated. It didn't take long to find his old merchant. Short and plump, the man was bald with a mouth full of rotten teeth, and standing on a corner outside the worst brothel in town.

Euclid smiled the moment he saw him approach. "Acheron, it's been a long time."

"Greetings. You have any Morpheus Root?"

He licked his lips greedily. "Of course I do. How much do you want?"

"I'll take everything you have."

He arched a brow at that. "You got enough coin?"

Acheron held his purse out to him.

Impressed, Euclid pulled out a small wooden arc from the wheeled cart that to the uninitiated or naive appeared to hold only rags. He handed the arc to Acheron for his inspection. Acheron opened it and lifted the herbs to his nose. The pungent lavender wasn't enough to overwhelm the herb that would ease him.

Acheron closed it. "My thanks. I'll need the cord and pots for it as well."

Euclid handed them over in exchange for more coin. "I'll have more of it next week. Anytime you need some, let me know and if you haven't the coin for it, I'm sure the two of us could work something out." He dragged one dirty finger down the side of Acheron's face.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024