Acheron (Dark-Hunter 14) - Page 73

"Life isn't about being fair," he breathed. "It's not about justice. It's all about endurance and how much we can suffer through."

He was so tired now. But no one would let him sleep.

Through the walls he heard Apollodorus crying. "Your son needs you, Princess. You need to go to him."

"My brother needs me too."

He let out a tired sigh. "No, I don't. Trust me, I don't need anyone."

She pressed her lips to his cheek. "I love you, Acheron."

He didn't speak as she withdrew. Right now there was no kind of love inside him. Only anguish and despair and anger could be felt. Turning his head, he looked down at the stark white bandage on his wrist. They had it padded so that he couldn't reopen the wound to finish what he'd started.

So this was it then.

Closing his eyes, he thought of his future. Of nothing changing. Of living tied down and beaten . . . forever.

He bellowed at the weight of his hopelessness. Then he fought his restraints with everything he had. But it wasn't enough to break them.

He was never enough of anything.

Bellowing even louder, he took comfort in the throbbing pain of his wounds.

Ryssa came running into the room.

Acheron ignored her as he tried to break through the chains that held him down. "I've had enough and I want out!"

She gathered him in her arms to hold him. He tried to fight her, but he couldn't. "I know, Acheron. I know."

No, she didn't know. Thank the gods that she had no idea how fucking awful his life was. How much pain he lived with. How much rejection.

He slammed his head back into the headboard and finally let his tears fall. Even though he was a man, he felt like that same little boy who'd reached out for his mother's touch only to have her backhand him. "Get me drunk, Ryssa."

She pulled back. "What?"

"For the love of the gods, get me something to make it stop hurting so much. Alcohol or drugs, I don't care which. Just make it all go away . . . please."

Ryssa wanted to deny him. She didn't believe in running away from her problems, but as she looked at him and saw the blood seeping from the wounds of his body and the tears in his eyes, she couldn't turn aside this one request.

No one should suffer so much. No one.

Against her will, her gaze went to his groin. The blood there made her sick to her stomach. The cruelty of what they'd done to him had been beyond measure-the fact that both her father and Styxx took so much pleasure from their actions disgusted her on a level she'd never dreamed existed. She would never feel right about either one of them again. "I'll be right back."

She ran to her room and grabbed the one bottle of wine that she had. "Nera?" she said to her maid who was dusting the chairs. "Could you get more wine and bring it to me in Acheron's room?"

Confusion wrinkled the petite girl's brow, but she knew better than to question her mistress. "How much more, Princess?"

"As much as you can carry."

Ryssa headed back to his room with what she had. He lay spread out on the bed with only a thin sheet covering him. Dried blood and bruises marred most of his body and the pain in those silver eyes stole her breath.

Aching for him, she wiped the tears from his eyes before she lifted his head and helped him to drink.

"May the gods bless you for your kindness," he breathed as he finished it off.

Nera came in with more. Ryssa traded bottles with her, then tipped it to Acheron's lips. It wasn't until the third bottle that he was completely drunk.

"Acheron?" she asked, afraid she might have given him too much.

He let out a long breath before his tormented gaze captured hers. "Promise me something, Ryssa."


"Don't ever hate your son. Please." His silver eyes fluttered closed as he passed out.

Weeping, Ryssa held him close as she ached for him. She would kill anyone who ever hurt her son like this. Even her own father. But Acheron had never known such love, such care, and that broke her heart even more. "Sleep in peace, little brother. Sleep in peace."

Wiping away her tears, she left him alone and went to check on Apollodorus. For the rest of the day she held her son close, promising him that he would never be left alone in the world. That she would always love him and protect him from anyone out to do him harm.

If only their mother had made such a promise to Acheron.

October 27, 9528 BC

Acheron lay in bed with the tip of his nose itching so badly it actually overrode the rest of his pain. He'd sell his soul if only he could scratch it. A bright flash to his left drew his attention.

It was Artemis. Dressed in white, she was as beautiful as always and he hated her for it.

His stomach knotted in anger that she'd finally remembered him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was bored."

He scoffed at her petulance and the fact that she'd come to him now. "I'm afraid I can't entertain you anymore. I'm no longer capable of it."

She pulled the sheet off him and curled her lip at what they'd done to his groin. "Ew! What did they do?"

He closed his eyes as humiliation washed over him. "They emasculated me. Remember? I was even stupid enough to ask for your help."

"Oh, that." She snapped her fingers.

Acheron gasped as even more pain tore through his groin. It ached so badly it took his breath and brought tears to his eyes.

"See? You're all better."

His breathing ragged, he was still on fire.

"Your hair's longer."

Was that all she cared about? His hair was longer? It was a good thing he couldn't move, otherwise he might have gone for her throat over that comment.

"Why are you chained?"

If she asked one more stupid fucking question, he really was going to strangle her. "To keep me from trying to kill myself."

"Why would you do that?"

Acheron ground his teeth. What good would it do to even try to explain it? She couldn't care less. She hadn't cared less when he'd begged her to do it for him. Except for the fact that she'd be bored and might actually have to try and find another man to jump on top of. Gods forbid someone else's cock might actually satisfy her. "It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not so much presently."

She gave him an annoyed glare. "I shall have to get them to release you. I swear, you're more trouble than you're worth. Wait here."

As if he had a choice? "Don't worry," he called out after she'd vanished. "I can't even get up to piss."

And his nose was still itching.

It wasn't long before his father entered the room to glare at him in displeasure. What else was new?

As always, the king looked freshly groomed. His blond hair was perfectly combed and his white robes gleamed in the sunlight.

Acheron met his scowl unflinchingly. "Can I help you?"

His father's blue eyes lit with fury. "What more has to be done to teach you your place?"

His place? That should be as his father's heir. It should be one of a revered prince.

Instead, he was lying chained down on a bed, his nakedness only concealed by the bloodied sheet Artemis had tossed back on top of him so she wouldn't have to see the butcher's handiwork. He was filthy from lack of washing and no doubt his hair was as ragged as his beard.

Acheron looked away. "I know my place."

His father kicked the bed. So much for Artemis getting him freed.

"The maids are sick of cleaning up your filth, not that I blame them. For that reason, you're being set free. But if you do anything else stupid, I swear by all the gods that I'll chain you to a wall in the dungeon and leave you there to rot."

He'd already done that to him.

"Don't worry, Father. I'll stay out of your way."

"You better." He gestured for the guards behind him to remove the shackles.

Finally, Acheron could scratch his nose again. He'd barely finished it before Styxx entered the room and tossed a pale blue garment at him.

Acheron frowned until he realized it was one of Ryssa's gowns.

Styxx laughed. "I thought you might want something to match the new you."

His gaze turned red in anger.

Before he could think better of it, Acheron was off the bed. He tackled Styxx to the floor and pounded his head against the stone, wanting to shatter it like a melon. He got in a good six solid whacks until the guards pulled him off Styxx's stomach.

Acheron fought them with everything he had, but they held his arms twisted behind his back so that there wasn't much he could do except curse them. Thank you, Artemis, for rescinding your gift.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024