The Life - Rebirth (The Life 4) - Page 97

“What say we go into town and buy the triplets three of those life-sized bears.”

“Three, Gabe would have a cow; you know how he is about his space and its aesthetic.” Anna’s words were venom free, and I believe we’ve passed the crisis.

“I don’t think so. I think as long as it’s for those three, he’d overlook his dapper digs.”

“We wanted to go to New York, though, to shop. There’s so much more to choose from, but Gabe told Gia she can’t go.” Well, it looks like they’d found something else to pick at.

“You should’ve known better than that. Gabe just found Gia after how many years of looking? And you thought he’d just be okay with letting her and his kids leave the state so soon after finding them? You’d be lucky if he lets her walk down the driveway by herself.”

They found that funny. Girls always like that caveman shit though they like to pretend they don’t. At least their minds were on something else this time, and disaster had been averted. If we hadn’t had this little interlude, I shudder to think what may have happened to Natalia sometime in the future. Draco Russo did not raise his kids to lose. Now I just have to get them on board with being Natalia’s friends because I think she needs it.

I also know that their jealousy goes deeper beyond the surface. I should’ve distanced myself a long time ago when I first realized that the lines between friendship, brotherhood, and romance were becoming blurred. I know what they felt is just a crush, something they’d outgrow at some point, and once I sat them both down and had a serious discussion with them about why we couldn’t be together, because I wouldn’t choose one over the other, they seemed to understand and accept my decision.

Had I gone along with their suggestion of having both of them, I’m pretty sure I’d have ended up in a hole somewhere pushing up daisies. I admit to having been in love with one or the other of them at different times throughout the years that we’ve known each other. But as I got older, I learned that it wasn’t to be.

I will never tell them, would never encourage their infatuation, but I see now that things might get a little more difficult in the future. Whereas my feelings for them have evened out, and I’m secure in my place as an older brother, they’re still trying to navigate their feelings for me. It’s going to be a tough freaking year.


I’ve never been uncomfortable with Sofia before, but for some reason, as soon as her husband and Gabe left, I felt on edge. She, too, seemed a bit uncomfortable for the first few minutes after they left and tried to keep her focus on the kids who were not cooperating because this was a new place, and they were intent on discovering all of it.

“Gia, why did you stay away so long? Why didn’t you get in touch with one of us? We could’ve helped you. It must’ve been so hard.” Her words were not accusatory, but for some reason, they rubbed me the wrong way. I know she didn’t mean anything by it, but I can’t help but think that all of this was partly her fault.

“When your son sent me away, he didn’t leave an opening for me to come back.”

“What do you mean? I don’t understand. Gabe would never have intended for you to keep his kids hidden away from him.”

“No, but Gabe also was not planning to be alive.” Of course, I didn’t know that when he sent me away, but I’m sure she knows what I’m talking about.

“Why did you do it, Sofia? Why did you tell him what happened to you and at such a young age?”


“I know all about it. I can only imagine the pain he’s been living with all these years after you told him. But what I don’t understand is why a mother would tell her child such a thing and at such a young age at that.” I looked over at my kids, who were working together to dismantle the room and put it back together.

She didn’t say anything, but her face had fallen. I couldn’t believe that I had the guts, but for some reason, after becoming a mother myself, I’ve found a strength I didn’t know I had in me. “I guess you’re right. I guess this, too, is my fault. Had I not told Gabe the story, he wouldn’t have set out for revenge, and you wouldn’t have been caught in the crosshairs, but you have to believe me, I didn’t expect him to want to end his own life.”

“What exactly were you expecting to happen? What was your reason then for telling him?”

Tags: Jordan Silver The Life Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024