Golden Binds - Page 54

“A triangle has three sides.”

“What?” she looked at him in bafflement.

“A triangle has three sides. There are four of us. This would be a square or rectangle.”

“Anyone ever told you that you’re very strange?”

“My brothers tell me all the time.”

“I’m not doing whatever this weird thing is the three of you have planned. I’ve got enough shit to contend with. I don’t need this as well.”

“What shit?”

“Huh?” She wished she’d gotten some sleep. She wasn’t up to sparring with him. She swayed slightly, reached out a hand to steady herself, and he grabbed hold of her, tucking her in close.

“Damn it. Did Garret keep you awake all night? What was he thinking?”

He swung her up into his arms, and she gasped, grabbing hold of his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you to bed.”

She stiffened. “I told you, I’m not doing that.”

“Hush. I didn’t say I was going to fuck you. But you need rest. You have a headache.”

Give the man a star. But she didn’t say that out loud since he was being quite nice. And she would have sounded like a complete bitch.

She rubbed at her temples. “Yeah.” He laid her on the bed.

“Have you got any pain killers?”

“In my top drawer.”

He opened her drawer and pulled the bottle out. “These are shit. Can’t your brother get you better?”

“They’re standard issue.” She stared up at him, surprised by the venom in his voice. The disapproval.

“Got any water?”

“There’s a glass in the bathroom.”

He disappeared and returned to hand her two pills. But instead of handing over the water, he helped her sit and held the water to her lips.

“I can do that myself.”

“I am well aware of that fact. Just because I intend to spank your ass doesn’t mean I see you as a child.”

“You’re a weirdo.”

There was a flicker in his eyes. Had she hurt him?

“I am well aware of that fact.”

She took hold of his hand as he attempted to turn away. And she realized that this man, despite his toughness, could be hurt badly by thoughtless words.

“I’m sorry, Sawyer. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Especially not when he was being so kind. That made her feel low.

“I don’t always pick up on social cues,” he told her. “I’m not very good at figuring out emotions. But I know how to protect. I know how to be loyal. And I will damn sure work out how to love.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024