Out of Character (True Colors 2) - Page 107

“My family will deal. And chances are good that Kellan will end up with a Broadway job. We can do cosplay at a kids’ hospital here in the city maybe. I’m less worried about leaving my life behind anymore. Except you. I don’t want to leave you.”

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” I said, echoing Bruno’s words. Even though my stomach was wobbling, I tried to smile at him. This might be the most serious moment in my life, and all around us the party swirled, glasses clinking, costumes swishing, but all I could see was him.

“I’m not sure that visits are going to be enough.” He took my hand.

“Me either.” I squeezed him back. “But this is the opportunity you have to take.”

“Maybe. But I was tempted to tell her that we’re a package deal. Dynamic duo. Two-for-one special.”

I flashed back to the Odyssey artist at the tournament in Philly, and I wanted that. Wanted the lines and the iconic cards with my art. Wanted to work with Jasper, make something enduring. A legacy.

“Someday. I want to get better first. Wasn’t that you saying I need to build my empire?”

“Better? You mean the art school idea?”

I nodded. “Bruno was serious about me using the car money to help with that. And you’re not the only one who can use Google. Professor Herrera has been helping me research schools. He says I need to dream bigger than an online course or some community college classes.”

Somehow, I still hadn’t moved out of the professors’ guest room. The group house hadn’t worked out, which was fine because the box sorting was an epic project. Then there was the furniture moving. And the dining room needed painting. That made the living room clash, so it got a fresh look too. Now, it was spring and there was planting to do. Stolen moments in Jasper’s dorm room aside, I’d never been as happy living somewhere. I’d spent the last few years feeling like I didn’t belong anywhere. And now I did. I belonged with Jasper and everything that went along with that.

“You should listen to the professor.” Jasper’s expression was speculative. “What are you thinking?”

I fished my phone out of the little pocket Kellan had thoughtfully included in the toga. “This.”

Jasper whistled as he considered the screenshot I’d saved of a school here in the city. “I don’t know art, but I’m pretty sure that’s—”

“A top ten program. Number five for illustration.” The hand holding my phone wavered right along with my stomach. “It takes a portfolio to get in, not test scores. There’s a whole section about help for learning differences too. And there are scholarships, but it’s still a major reach—”

“No, it’s not. You’re ridiculously talented. I believe in you.” He pulled me close like we were alone and sharing these dreams under the covers in his room. A few months ago, being snuggled up with another guy at a big, fancy event like this would have seemed impossible, but now here we were and anything, absolutely anything, seemed possible.

“And I believe in you. Take the Odyssey job. Dream big. And I will too.”

“You’re going to apply?” A slow smile crept across Jasper’s face.

“Pretty sure the professors will be disappointed if I don’t.” We’d made lists. And then the lists had sublists because I didn’t do great with broad concepts. Little goals and concrete tasks were easier, so Professor Herrera broke it down for me, exactly what had to go in the portfolio. Professor Tuttle took careful notes that I could later review at my own pace. “Deadline’s coming up.”

“When were you going to tell me?” Jasper tilted his head, considering me with cautious eyes. Behind us, someone laughed as there was an announcement over the loudspeaker, but no card reveal or prize package could steal my attention away from those eyes.

“Now. When you decided to go for the Odyssey thing. I don’t want to be the only reason you take it, though. If you truly want to stay close to home, I’ll look at local programs. Keep my job. But my supervisor says they might have hours for me if I put in for a transfer to one of the city locations. Like I said, you’re not getting rid of me so easily.”

“Dynamic duo?” He offered me a fist bump. What I really wanted was a kiss, but I’d take it.

“Always.” I bumped him back, then captured his hand again in mine.

“Think you might need a roommate if—when—they accept you?” Jasper asked, brain going to the same place mine had as soon as I’d seen the pictures of the school. “It’s not too far from Conrad and Alden.”

“I’m not unaware of that fact. And yeah. You asking me if we can live together?” I pretended to need to think about this concept, deliberately wrinkling my forehead.

Tags: Annabeth Albert True Colors Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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