The Vows He Must Keep - Page 40

Now Valerio stood alone on the bow of Velamar’s brand-new luxury mega-yacht and tried to ignore the sense of restlessness that had hounded him since leaving Dani at the villa. His father and his brother had gone ahead to create an impromptu bachelor party, promising that it wouldn’t involve anything inappropriate but that he would need his wits about him.

Valerio looked at his watch. He had another five minutes before they expected him to follow. He guessed it would involve gambling of some sort. His father was an avid poker player and was known for his skill. He sighed. Even the thought of a night of mindless gambling wasn’t enough to calm the irritation brought by how badly he had handled things earlier.

She had thanked him for bedding her, as if he had been doing her a service. As though he had been trying to assuage his guilt by giving her orgasms as penance? His jaw tightened with anger at how little she must think of herself if she believed such utter nonsense. There was nothing charitable about his behaviour towards her.

If he’d been a better man, he would have kept his attraction under control. He wouldn’t have complicated their arrangement and risked the fragile friendship they had formed. He had played with fire and ignited a full-blown blaze. He should be thankful that she’d seen sense and ended things.

But even now being away from her felt wrong, somehow, even though he knew she wasn’t any safer with him by her side. He had left his two best security men with strict instructions to ensure she was completely secure. He had finalised all the necessary arrangements for the surprise he’d planned for her tomorrow. He’d wanted to see her face when she saw it, but it was probably better if he kept his distance until the ceremony. He wished they hadn’t had that argument...that his family hadn’t arrived and set off all alarm bells in his mind.

But above all, he realised a part of him missed her, needed her company, as if they had spent years of this fragile new intimacy together—not just a few days.

He frowned at the thought. He didn’t need her—he had always made sure he didn’t need anyone. He was Mr No Strings. They had just both been celibate for a long time, so it was only natural that it would add to the kind of explosive sexual chemistry they had... It was a recipe for this addictive feeling. But he was not going to become hooked. They’d had one amazing weekend of blowing off some steam and that was over.

Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and focused on the sound of the sea lapping against the stern to try to unwind the tension in his gut. Maybe having his family here planning this wedding had got under his skin? There was no other explanation for the crazy thoughts he had been entertaining since he’d left the villa.

He knew that someone like him could never have the kind of stable, normal lifestyle his father and brother enjoyed. It was utterly ridiculous. Did he actually think he could give a woman like Dani the life she deserved?

He had already resigned himself to being alone until he found out who was behind Duarte’s murder. He hadn’t thought further beyond that. It was hard enough just getting through each day with his rigid handle on his PTSD intact. He was broken. His body and mind had been damaged and scarred and, no matter how hard he tried, he would always have to bear the reminders of what had happened in Brazil—a catastrophic event that he had caused by being his usual impulsive, reckless self.

His head security guard appeared, snapping him out of his thoughts. ‘Mr Marchesi, there’s a man here to see you. Says it’s urgent.’

It was his private investigator from Rio, Juan, his face looking entirely the worse for wear and his clothes dishevelled.

‘You didn’t answer my calls, so I put a flight on your tab.’ He stepped forward, placing a tablet computer in his hands. ‘You can thank me later.’

The man sank down onto a nearby lounger as Valerio’s eyes scanned the file, seeing Angelus Fiero’s name. He felt anger begin to surge within him, expecting the worst. But the contents of the report were so far from what he’d expected that he found himself needing to sit down.

‘Get me Fiero on the phone—now.’ His voice was a dry rasp.

‘He’s currently in an operating theatre after sustaining a gunshot wound.’ Juan sat forward. ‘He’ll survive. He went after them himself, it seems. The politician who ordered the kidnapping is dead and all evidence of the blackmail material he’d been keeping about Duarte has been destroyed, thanks to Fiero’s clever manoeuvrings over the past few weeks. I believe the threat to Miss Avelar has been neutralised.’

Valerio felt the air leave his lungs. Angelus Fiero had been on their side all along. ‘How do we know there aren’t still others who are waiting to take over? How do I know she isn’t still in danger?’

‘Fiero has used his intel to turn the tables on a few other corrupt individuals linked to the Brazilian government. He’s had the Avelar land and properties in Brazil made untouchable. They can only be used for charity, so they’re worthless to any other money-grabbing corrupt developers now. As is every other piece of her inheritance. She’s safe. I’m sure of it.’

Valerio nodded slowly, wondering why he didn’t feel a sense of elation at the news.

He thanked Juan, and instructed his security guard to ensure that the PI was paid handsomely for his efforts. Alone again, he debated heading straight over to the villa and telling Dani the news. Telling her everything. But it was late...and he didn’t want his mother to overhear their conversation.

Renata Marchesi was going to be upset enough at the cancellation of her dream island wedding ceremony. Because if there was no longer a threat, there was no longer any need for a wedding. He could tell his family what had happened—why he had been so secretive. Maybe one day they would all look back on this and laugh.

They would have made one another miserable anyway...he and Dani. But, then again, maybe they might have found some way to be happy in their arrangement...

He stood still for a long time in the dark, staring out at the inky black waves as he imagined what his life might have looked like if things had been different.

After a fitful night of sleep, alone in the bed that still smelled like Valerio, Dani barely registered the conversation at the breakfast table. It was dawn, and the whole house was buzzing with activity in preparation for the wedding. Renata and Nicole were talking about the details of the ceremony planned for that evening—a sunset wedding, followed by an intimate family dinner prepared by a world-famous chef who lived on the island.

The moment she was able to, she slipped away and wandered out onto the deck, staring at the glorious sunrise as it kissed pink and orange along the waves and wondering how on earth she had managed to get herself into such a mess. It was her wedding day and she was utterly miserable. If she’d been the brave, fearless type, she would have just run away. She almost smiled, imagining herself commandeering Valerio’s boat and sailing towards the horizon.

Heels tapped across the deck towards her and she inhaled, turning and preparing herself to tell even more lies to this wonderful family who had made her feel so accepted.

But it wasn’t Renata or Nicole who stood in front of her.

‘Jeez, this place is locked up tighter than a prison.’ Hermione smirked. ‘I had to show my ID and video-call your fiancé just to get his goons to let me past the gates.’

Dani’s mind had barely recognised her best friend’s smiling face before she launched herself full force into Hermione’s arms. It was as though all the pressures of the day had been released, and she did nothing but hold her tight for a long time.

When they finally separated, she took a step back and lightly punched Hermione in the bicep.

Tags: Amanda Cinelli Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024