Finding Our Way (Finding our Way 1) - Page 51

“I agree,” Quinn says from behind me, joining us.

“I am happy. So, so happy I’m waiting for the world to throw me a curveball.”

“Honey, don’t think like that. Just enjoy it.”

I nod my head in agreement and she pulls me to her. Quinn joins our embrace and tears sting my eyes.

“Okay, now that we’ve established this, can you quit looking at me funny?” I ask my mom.

“Yep, officially done.”

We all go back to the table and our dinner is waiting. Bryce grabs my hand again and winks at me. Something inside tells me he knows what we were talking about.

When we leave the restaurant, all the parents go to their hotels and we make plans to meet tomorrow for a late lunch before the ROTC Ceremony at three. Quinn is staying with me at the apartment until Dean arrives tomorrow and they move into a hotel room for the rest of the weekend.

As soon as we get into the apartment, I say goodnight and go to Bryce’s shower. Quinn comes in and talks non-stop the whole time I’m bathing which annoys the shit out of me.

“You know Bryce won’t come in here and join me if you’re here right?” I hiss.

Her laughter howls and I poke my head out to see her rolling on the floor.


“Nate paid me to come in and talk until you are done!”

“And you took it?”

“Yep! He’s trying to talk Bryce into letting me come to Destin so it’s a fair deal.”

“You are a bitch. I’ve been celibate for six weeks. My body is crying for relief. Why would you do that?”

“Oh please! I hear you moaning in your room. I know you’re not exactly frustrated.”

“It’s not the same!” I slam the shower curtain back in place and finish my shower quickly.

When I’m done, I slip into my pajamas and head to the living room to find my boyfriend. He and Nate are watching the news and he looks as miserable as I am.

“Nate, I promise to get you back one day!”

“Devon, there are some things brothers and sisters should never know about. Sex is one. I can’t ignore how tight Bryce is wound, but I did not want to hear it when we walked in the door. So I took my own drastic measures.”

Bryce gives him an evil look but slaps him on the back. “Thanks man, but can I go to bed with my girl now?”

“Fucking A’.” Nate stands and grabs the sheets to set up Quinn’s bed on the sofa. He mumbles the whole time and I grin following Bryce to his room.

He takes a shower and I crawl in bed to read while I wait. When he comes out in his pajama pants I look at him confused.

“You have on too many clothes,” I state.

He climbs in and pulls me to him. Then nothing. No kissing, no touching, no licking, nothing.

“What’s wrong?”

He blows out a breath and looks at me apologetically. “I just want to hold you. There’s a lot on my mind.”


“Like how the next two days are a big fucking deal. In the next few days, I have to say goodbye to some of my closest friends and I join the service full time. Like how nervous I am about the speech at the ceremony. And how I finally feel like my heart can beat again now that you’re here.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Finding our Way Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024