Rider's Kiss - Page 7

She turned to the task of showering away the grime, hoping the hot spray and steam would make her feel loads better. By the time the water ran cold, she did feel a little more human. Once she finished, Victoria slipped into a clean pair of heather-gray cotton shorts and a white T-shirt. She tucked her hair under a towel and went to find Reena. She was surprised to see the living room tidied and Reena doing the dishes. When Reena noticed her, she pointed a soapy finger toward the table. “Sit while I finish this, the

n we can have a nice long talk.”

Victoria pulled out a chair and dropped into it. “I don’t see what there is to discuss,” she mumbled.

“How about your attitude, for starters? If you ask me, that’s a damn fine place to begin.”

Instead of being offended, Victoria laughed. It sounded rusty, but still, it was something. Reena was always that way, making her smile when she really felt like crying. “I’m sorry for being such an ungrateful bitch. I’m lucky to have a friend like you.”

“Yes, you are,” Reena said as she sat down across from her. “But that’s not the issue right now. The issue is, what are you going to do about my brother?”

“Your brother?”

“He’s the idiot who’s got your panties all in a twist, isn’t he?”

“I had a bad day, Reena. I thought we already established that.”

“You’ve never tried to eat yourself into a coma because you lost a client. No, this is because of the stupid things he said about you yesterday, right?”

She firmed her jaw. “Rider has a right to his opinion. He and I aren’t friends, so whatever he says about me really shouldn’t bother me.”

Reena’s eyes softened. “And yet it does.”

Victoria slumped, feeling like the biggest fool ever born. “Yeah, it does. I hate myself for it too.”

“It’s because you still have feelings for him.”

“I shouldn’t, though. I mean, it’s crazy to carry a torch for a guy all these years. I think they call that obsession.”

She snorted. “It’s not like you’re a stalker, Victoria. And you haven’t exactly put your life on hold waiting for him to come running.”

“If he’d only stayed in New York, damn it.”

“Seeing him again is bringing it all back, is that it?”

She shrugged. “I just don’t get it. I feel like such a dolt. I’m an intelligent, successful businesswoman. So why am I reacting like a teenager with her first heartbreak?”

“Maybe because for you, the feelings go deeper than attraction.”

“You’re talking about love.” Victoria shook her head. “No, it’s not possible to love someone you’ve never spent five minutes with. This is desire, nothing more. A lot of which can be attributed to Rider’s bad-boy nature. Let’s face it, plenty of women are attracted to the outlaw type, and your brother is definitely wicked.”

“Okay, then let me ask you this. How did you feel when you broke it off with George? Did you wallow in misery then too?”

Victoria frowned. “No. I mean, I was frustrated that I’d wasted so much time on him, but I didn’t cry over the guy.”

“It seems to me you care a great deal more for Rider than you ever did George.” When Victoria started to defend her actions further, Reena sped right on. “Personally, if some guy said those rude things about me, I’d want to do something about it. Get him back. Make him twist a little.”

Victoria looked down at the table as she considered Reena’s words. “I don’t know. I’m not sure anything I do would make a difference.”

Reena reached a hand across the table and laid it on top of Victoria’s. “Look, I know my brother and can guarantee he’s kicking his own ass for hurting you. He can be a jerk, but he isn’t cruel.”

As Reena’s words sank in, Victoria knew she was right. “I suppose I should have given him a chance to explain.”

Reena smiled. “Nah, he deserves to squirm a little. Still, I do have an idea.”

Victoria closed her eyes tight. “I’m afraid to hear it.”

“Let me take you shopping.”

Tags: Anne Rainey Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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