Haley's Cabin - Page 57

“If you could stop cursing me for a minute, maybe you can explain why this is all a bad thing.”

Page 46

Jeremy went to the refrigerator and snagged a pitcher of iced tea off the top shelf. “She makes me

laugh,” Jeremy griped, scowling. “And I’ve never known a woman who could be so in control and

independent, yet so willing and agreeable, too.” He pulled a glass from the cupboard. “And she’s so

damned adorable. I swear, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing, she’s always little Miss Manners. Every

friggin’ please and thank you she utters gets me all horny. It’s the damnedest thing.” He poured his tea

and forged on. “But she’s not said a single thing about wanting me. Well, beyond sex, that is.”

“Do you want her? Beyond the sex?”


“You’ve never wanted to share your life.” Brad was using his calm doctor voice on him, which only

made Jeremy want to strangle him. “You like being your own man, coming and going as you please.”

He understood what Brad was doing, but he also knew the Jeremy who’d left his cluttered apartment on

Friday wasn’t the same man who stood in the kitchen now, watching the clock. “I could give a shit about

independence, Brad. The truth is, if I don’t have Haley in my life when we leave here tomorrow, nothing

is going to matter much,” he said miserably. “It’s that simple and this is your fault. My life was fine before

I came here. Now I’m a fucking mess.”

Brad sighed heavily. “Haley’s been through a lot. Her ex was pretty shitty to her.”

“I know, she told me. What’s your point?” Jeremy hated the reminder of Eric and he was beginning to

see where Brad was going with his big brother lecture.

“You’re the first man who’s been kind to her since the break. It’s bound to make her head swim a little.”

“So she’s infatuated with me? Is that what you’re saying? That she couldn’t possibly be in love with me

because it’s all happening too quickly?” He hated to think it. The truth was, he’d considered the

possibility himself. While Jeremy knew what he felt was the real deal, Haley wouldn’t know the real thing

if it bit her in the ass because she’d nothing but a lousy marriage to compare it to.

His life went from bad to shitty in a matter of seconds.

“Just finish the weekend and come home,” Brad said. “Give her some time to think things through. If

she’s in love with you, a few days apart won’t matter in the least.”

Jeremy took a long swig of his tea and set the glass down hard on the counter as he continued to watch

the clock. “Yeah, you’re right I guess. Still, I don’t think she’s going to understand.” He sighed. “I su

Tags: Anne Rainey Erotic
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