Body Shots (Masters of Pleasure 2) - Page 41

“Gibby’s Bar and Grill.” He took her hand at that, helped her down out of the Blazer, and closed her door. “I hope you like it. It can be a bit loud at times, but I thought we could grab a bite to eat and I could check to see how everything is going.”

“I’m sure I’ll love it. Thank you for bringing me.” She leaned up on tiptoe and kissed his rigid jaw, then smiled.

Mac groaned. “Crystal, have mercy. I told you no kisses unless you are prepared to take more.”

“Mm, I can’t wait,” she said naughtily.

Mac only grunted his reply and led her to the door where he could hopefully get himself back under control, but he could have sworn he heard a faint giggle from the woman at his side.

Wow, what more could a girl ask for anyway? A great movie, wonderful food, stimulating conversation, and all from a devilishly handsome man. She figured she would have to come down from her perch soon enough, but for now she was content to enjoy herself.

Gibby’s was much better than she’d expected. Everyone seemed to know each other. The music was a mix of top-forty hits and songs by the top country artists of today. There was something to please every ear. The place had a woodsy, rustic appearance to it. The walls were done in a kind of barn siding wood, which in the end would save money on paint and upkeep. There were wooden wagon wheels hanging from the ceiling with colored lights attached to them. Even the dance floor was made of hardwood, meant to remind customers of the old-time barn dances, when they put it all together. Everything was decorated with taste. The owner obviously wanted the patrons to feel at home, able to kick their heels up and just let loose for the time they were there.

Everyone who walked by their booth greeted Mac with a friendly hello and a handshake. A few of the men who stopped by gave her the once-over, but they were met with a steely look from Mac, completely obliterating any interest they may have shown in her. All waiters and waitresses wore a simple clean white T-shirt and jeans. That way they could be comfortable for the long hours they were on their feet and also blend in with the country décor. She had met Gibby, the owner. He was an extremely large African American. He was a few inches taller than Mac was and much broader. He had a wonderful smile and was as sweet as a teddy bear, but Crystal got the feeling that he could be very mean if provoked. He looked at Mac with the kind of respect that was born from a long and firm friendship.

She looked at Mac and spoke over the music, “Where did you meet Gibby?”

Mac looked at her and waited a beat, as if debating what to tell her. At last, he said, “I met Gibby in somewhat odd circumstances.” He paused. “He was in a bit of trouble when we first encountered each other. He apparently owed some rather nasty people some money, and when I came here for dinner one night, the men were attempting to beat the dollar bills out of him. That’s about the time I decided to intervene.”

“What did you do?” Her eyes grew large and she leaned forward, completely riveted to the story.

“I very calmly explained to the men that they were going about getting paid the wrong way.” Mac took a drink from his Pepsi then went on, “Then I paid them the money myself.”

“You actually gave them the money? I mean, you didn’t even know Gibby at the time. Why would you do that?” She was dumbfounded.

“Yes, I gave them the money, but Gibby has paid me back every single cent since then. He’s a very proud man and he refused to let the matter drop. So we worked out a deal, and here we are today. Hell, I’ve gotten more than my fair share from our relationship and I gained a very loyal friend to boot. What more can a guy ask for?”

“And it seems he has gained a loyal friend, as well. You’re very kind underneath that gruff exterior,” she said in admiration.

“Underneath this gruff exterior lurks a very lusty man, eager for your hot body, angel.” His eyes grew darker with passion and bore straight into hers.


ust then, a waiter came to their table and asked if they wanted anything else.

They both declined, then he said, “I’ll be right back. I need to hit the restroom.” He winked, then rose from the booth and went to the far end of the room.

Crystal resumed eating her fries. She had ordered a simple burger and fries, figuring they would be a safe bet. However, she hadn’t expected them to taste so good. Gibby’s obviously had a wonderful chef tucked back in the kitchen. A shadow covered her table, and she thought it was Mac returning, so she looked up smiling. However, it wasn’t. Instead it was a man she didn’t recognize. He was tall and blond, very muscular and tanned, as if he worked outside, perhaps in construction or something similar.

“I’ve noticed you tonight. You’re awful hard to miss. A man would have to be blind not to see you, sweetheart. You’re very beautiful,” he spoke in a rough voice.

“Thank you.” She never knew quite what to say when a man complimented her.

“My name is Dale.” He extended his hand for her to shake, then said, “And yours is?”

“Her name is Crystal, and she’s with me.” Mac spoke from behind the stranger. The look in his eyes was deadly.

“You have a beautiful name, Crystal. Would you care to dance?”

He never took his eyes from her, completely ignoring Mac. She looked at Mac and saw his anger that was barely leashed. Crystal calmly said to the stranger, “I’m sorry, Dale, I’m here with Mac. Thank you for the offer.” She smiled brightly.

“No worries.” He smiled and walked away.

Mac stared at the man’s back until he was well away from them; only then did he sit back down. He didn’t say a word, just stared at her.

“Now that he’s gone, I’d love to dance with you.”

Her eyes brightened at the prospect of being in Mac’s strong arms. “You would?”

Tags: Anne Rainey Masters of Pleasure Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024