Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3) - Page 68

“Hi,” Faith said cheerfully. “Sorry I took so long to call you. I had to stay back and have an awkward conversation with the mom I work for.”

“Oh, is everything okay?”

“Yeah. My pay was late, but she assured me they’d pay me tomorrow. How are you?”

“I’m okay. A little bored. Camilla is away again.”

“Is that why you wanted to talk?” Faith asked. “Feeling all lovesick because you can’t bear to be apart from her for a few days?”

“It’s not that.” Lindsey took one of the giant cushions from her bed and hugged it to her chest. “We’ve been talking about the future. About me moving in with her. Permanently.”

Faith let out a squeal. “That’s great. You said you’re in it for the long run with her, right? And that the manor feels like home now?”

“Yeah. I want this. But I can’t help but feel bad about how everything between us started.”

“What, because you were her sugar baby? Who cares if everything was fake at the beginning? You’re not faking it anymore.”

“Well, yeah,” Lindsey said. “But I lied to her about being interested in women when we first met. Or at least, I led her to believe I was, which is basically the same thing.”

“Right,” Faith said. “So you haven’t told her yet?”

“Nope. And I’ve had so many opportunities to tell her the truth, but I didn’t. She’s been so open with me about everything. I feel awful about keeping this from her.”

“Then tell her.”

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Lindsey said. “She’s going to feel so betrayed. What if she can’t forgive me?”

“What choice do you have?” Faith asked. “Do you really think the two of you can be happy together with this cloud hanging over your relationship?”

Lindsey sighed. “You’re right. I’ll tell her when she gets back.” She let herself fall back down onto the pillows. “I hope she takes it well. Because if she doesn’t, I don’t know what I’ll do. I love her so much, Faith. I never thought I’d fall for another woman, let alone one so much older than me, but here I am. Whenever I’m with her, I feel like I’m having this wonderful, impossible dream. But it’s real.”

“Aw, Lindsey. I’m glad you found this little slice of happiness. And for the record, I don’t think your feelings for Camilla were fake at the start. You were practically swooning after that first date with her. From the outside, your feelings always seemed real, even if you didn’t realize it at the time.”

“I think you’re right,” Lindsey said. “Maybe I was falling for her all along, but I didn’t understand it yet.”

It was another hour before they hung up. By then, it was late. Lindsey put her phone aside and got ready for bed. She would talk to Camilla about everything tomorrow night.

She just hoped that Camilla would understand.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The next morning, Lindsey bounded out of her rooms and down the stairs. Making the decision to tell Camilla the truth had lifted a huge weight from her shoulders. Lindsey knew it would be a difficult conversation. She knew Camilla would be hurt. But she had to have faith that Camilla would forgive her.

She entered the dining room. There was no sign of June, but breakfast was laid out for Lindsey as usual. She finished it off quickly and headed back up to her rooms to brush her teeth. It was a warm, sunny day outside. Perhaps she’d go for a swim.

When she reached her rooms, she found June waiting for her by the door. The housekeeper’s face wore a grave expression. A chill rolled down Lindsey’s neck.

Something was wrong.

“June?” she said. “What’s the matter?”

June folded her hands in front of her apron. “Camilla has requested that you leave the estate.”

All warmth drained from Lindsey’s body. “What are you talking about?”

“You need to pack your things. A car will be coming to take you wherever you want to go.”

“This doesn’t make any sense.” Slowly, June’s words began to sink in. “Why would Camilla do this? I need to talk to her.”

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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