Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3) - Page 45

This was Camilla’s sister? They did look alike. Both women had the same hazel eyes and straight brown hair, although Denise’s was cut into a short bob. And Denise’s face had none of Camilla’s warmth and humor.

Denise narrowed her eyes at Lindsey. “I wasn’t aware you had a guest, Millie.”

Lindsey remembered she was still sitting in Camilla’s lap, her hand hovering dangerously close to Camilla’s breast. And she was fairly sure Denise had seen them making out like horny teenagers only moments ago. She jumped to her feet.

The motion seemed to break Camilla out of her shocked state. “Lindsey, this is my sister, Denise. Denise, this is Lindsey. My… girlfriend.”

Girlfriend? “Uh, hi.” Lindsey held her hand out to Denise.

Denise ignored it. Instead, she looked Lindsey up and down, her nose wrinkled in disdain. “She certainly has the ‘girl’ part down.”

Lindsey folded her arms across her chest. Suddenly, she felt very naked in her bikini.

“Lindsey, darling, you’ll have to forgive my sister. She isn’t normally this rude.” Camilla shot Denise a withering look. “Oh, who am I kidding? Yes, she is.”

The other woman didn’t react. “I didn’t know you were seeing someone.”

“It’s a recent development. Now, I’m sure you’re tired after your flight. I’ll have June make up one of the guest suites. Why don’t you go relax in the drawing room? June can show you the way.”

“I grew up in this house. I know where the drawing room is.”

“Well, it’s been so long since you’ve been here that I thought you might have forgotten.”

“It hasn’t been that long.” Denise rolled her eyes. “I’m going to go freshen up, then catch up on some work. I’ll come down for dinner.” She turned to address June. “Seven thirty, in the formal dining room.”

“June isn’t a servant,” Camilla said. “And she doesn’t take instructions from you. Dinner will be in the west dining room, as usual. And it will be at seven thirty because it’s always at seven thirty.”

“Whatever you say, Millie.”

“It’s Camilla. It’s been Camilla since I was sixteen.”

And if Lindsey hadn’t known better, she’d think the pair of them were sixteen. They sure were acting like it.

“I don’t have time for this. If you need me, I’ll be in my rooms.” Denise turned on her heel and stormed back to the house.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Camilla turned to June, a dark look in her eyes. “Why didn’t you warn me she was here?”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am,” June said. “I was tidying up in the east wing. I didn’t hear her arrive.”

“Just go make sure she stays away from my rooms. And lock the playroom door for me. You know how she is about that kind of thing.”

June nodded, then strode off after Denise.

Camilla turned to Lindsey. “I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like that. Denise would never approve of our arrangement.”

“It’s okay,” Lindsey said.

“Of course, if you’re not comfortable with me pretending you’re my girlfriend, I can think of something else.”

“No, I don’t mind.” It wouldn’t be any different to what they were already doing. Although, Lindsey was going to have to remember not to call Camilla ‘Mistress.’

“Thank you.” The relief was clear on Camilla’s face. “Do you mind sleeping in my room for now? You can keep your own rooms for when you need your own space, of course.”

“Sure.” All this, just to fool Camilla’s sister? Lindsey had never seen Camilla so frazzled. “Are you okay?” Lindsey asked.

“It’s just my sister. She’s the only family I have left, but we don’t see eye to eye.” Camilla rubbed the back of her neck. “She’s a senator like my father was, and we have completely different views on everything. She’s never approved of the life I live. I had to come out to her three times until she took me seriously. Then it took another two years before she stopped referring to my girlfriends as ‘friends,’ and-” Camilla blinked. “

I’m rambling. None of that is important. What matters, is that she never stays long. We’ll only have to play these roles for a day or two.”

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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