Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3) - Page 6

She went back to her inbox and opened the woman’s message up. It was surprisingly short. All the other messages she’d been sent were page-long explanations of what the sender wanted from Lindsey. But this one was just a single sentence.

I’d love to take you out on a date.

That was it? It seemed presumptuous. Camilla hadn’t asked Lindsey if she’d like to go on a date. She’d simply stated what she wanted. But there was something to be said for being direct.

Lindsey returned to the woman’s profile. As she scrolled through it, her eyes landed on something at the bottom of Camilla’s bio. She had missed it last time. It was a single word, on a line all on its own.


Lindsey’s heart jumped. Camilla hadn’t elaborated, but she didn’t have to. Lindsey had already detected some hint of it in the way Camilla held herself in her profile photo. This woman was a Dominant, with a capital D. Lindsey had dabbled enough in BDSM that she knew exactly what that meant.

And Lindsey was intrigued.

She brought up Camilla’s message again. Her hands hovered above the keyboard. There was no harm in going on one date with her. If Lindsey had any reservations after meeting her, she could call everything off.

She thought for a moment, then typed out a response.

I’m free on Saturday night. Does that work for you?

Lindsey hit send and closed her laptop. It was done. At once, all sorts of doubts came to her. Had she been too forward? Had suggesting a Saturday night been a bad idea? Night meant dinner, drinks, or dancing. Should she have suggested something casual like coffee instead? But coffee barely counted as a date. Could this really be called a date?

It didn’t matter. It was already done. Lindsey got up and shoved her laptop in her suitcase. She had to stop obsessing about this.

A few minutes later, her phone buzzed. She picked it up. It was an email from thesugarbowl.com containing a message from Camilla.

Saturday night is perfect. Let’s have drinks at 8 p.m.


Lindsey could stop herself, she sent off a reply.

It’s a date.

She set down her phone and sank down onto the couch.

What had she done?

Chapter Three

“You look like a nun,” Faith said.

Lindsey stared at herself in Faith’s bedroom mirror. Her long reddish hair was pulled back, and she’d spent plenty of time getting her makeup right, however, the black, knee-length dress she wore was pretty conservative. “The place we’re going to for drinks is really classy. I don’t want to look out of place.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t show a little skin. Don’t you have anything sexier?”

Lindsey looked at the suitcase she’d dragged into Faith’s room. “Most of my clothes are in storage. I didn’t think I’d be going on a fancy date anytime soon.”

“I have just the thing.” Faith leaped up from the bed and started to go through her closet. “Where did I put it?”

Lindsey pulled off the dress, careful not to smudge her makeup, and added it to the pile of rejected outfits on Faith’s bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d dressed up like this. And she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this excited about anything, let alone a date. Not that it was a real date. But even though it was pretend, a romantic night out at an upscale lounge sounded like the perfect escape from her dreary life.

“Found it!” Faith held up a black and silver patterned dress. “This. This is perfect.”

“That’s… short.” Although Lindsey and Faith were the same size, Faith was much shorter. And the dress didn’t even go down to Faith’s knees.

“That’s why I picked it. One look at you in this dress, and you’ll have Camilla giving you whatever you ask for. Money, fancy clothes, a car.”

Lindsey rolled her eyes and took the dress from Faith. “I’m not going to ask Camilla for money. I’m just going to meet her.” She slipped the dress over her head.

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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