Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 60

“Is it? And how does anyone else know you wouldn’t do the same thing to them? Why would anyone ever trust you again, knowing you violated such an important social contract? Knowing how little respect you have for their privacy? You know how the corporate world works. It’s all about building relationships. Building trust. Why would anyone want to do business with someone who has proven they can’t be trusted?”

“Are you saying you’ll have me blacklisted?”

“I would never do anything as unsubtle as that,” Vanessa said. “But the patrons of my club will want to know that their confidentiality has been violated, and by whom. When word gets around, you’ll lose all your contracts, one by one. Do you think your company can survive that?”

Harrison looked at Vanessa, wide-eyed. “You’re talking about sabotaging my company.”

“I wouldn’t be sabotaging anything. I’d simply be informing people of the facts and letting nature take its course. Of course, you have enough money that you’d be fine, even without your company. But what would that do to your reputation? You’ll be ruined, just like you threatened to ruin Eve here.”

“You’re crazy.” Harrison shook his head. “What do you want from me?”

“What do you think?” Vanessa narrowed her eyes. “I want you to wipe that video and any others you took inside Lilith’s Den from the face of the earth. And I want you to give Eve whatever she asks for when it comes to this custody case.”

“You don’t know anything about that. About my family, about Eve.”

“I know enough. I know that you’re the kind of man who tries to blackmail his ex-wife, and that speaks volumes. My fiancée is a lawyer. She’s informed me that judges don’t look kindly upon people who blackmail their former spouses in custody cases. It’s in your best interests to cooperate with Eve. ”

Harrison scoffed and turned to Eve. “Isn’t this what you’re doing to me? Blackmailing me, having her threaten me unless I agree to your demands?”

Eve shrugged. “You stopped playing by the rules a long time ago. I’m just leveling the playing field.” She crossed her arms. “They’re my children, Harrison. I’m willing to do anything for them. And I mean anything .”

“If you cared about the kids you wouldn’t be having an affair with their nanny and going to sex clubs. You’re their mother for god’s sake.”

“Yes, I’m the twins’ mother. But I’m a person too, with needs of my own, which is something you never understood. I’m allowed to have a life outside of my children. I’m allowed to find my own happiness.”

“Happiness?” Harrison looked at Faith. “With their nanny? You’re exposing the twins to this sick fetish of yours.”

“I’m not exposing them to anything. They don’t know about Faith and me, and I intend to keep things that way. What I do in my spare time is none of their business, or yours. Faith and I are both consenting adults. There is nothing sick about what’s between us.” Eve’s jaw set. “What I have with Faith is more real than anything I’ve ever felt. I love her.”

What? Faith looked at Eve. Her eyes were locked onto Harrison’s, but the resolve on her face made it clear that she meant every word she’d said.

“This is crazy.” Harrison threw his hands up. “If you think I’m going to roll over and give you whatever you want, you’re out of your mind.”

“I don’t think you have a choice,” Vanessa interrupted. “ Not unless you want to lose your company.” Vanessa’s eyes bored into him. “This isn’t an empty threat. Release that video and I will ruin you.”

Faith stared at Vanessa in shock. She was serious, and Harrison knew it.

“Delete the video,” Vanessa said. “Work things out with Eve. And if I hear of you doing anything less, I will let you and your company burn.”

Harrison spoke through gritted teeth. “Fine.”

“And I’m going to need the name of this friend of yours who invited you to Lilith’s Den.”

Harrison muttered a name.

“Good. I’m going to have a word with him about his choice of guests.” Vanessa stood up. “We’ll let the two of you talk. Faith?”

Faith got up. “Good luck,” she said quietly to Eve.

Eve nodded. “Wait for me in my office. This won’t take long.”

Faith followed Vanessa out of the room and shut the door. She was dizzy with nerves.

Vanessa put her hand on Faith’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be fine. I do my fair share of negotiating, and I can tell when someone is on their back. Harrison will give Eve whatever she wants.”

“I hope so,” Faith said. “Thanks for all your help.”

“Once again, it’s no trouble.” Vanessa paused. “Eve told me about the two of you. How everything started when you ran into each other at Lilith’s Den. I’m glad my club played a part in bringing two people together. That’s what life’s all about isn’t it?”

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024