Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 44

“Why don’t you go wake up your brother?” Eve said. “Breakfast will be ready soon.”

Leah nodded sleepily and headed back out of the kitchen.

“She never wakes up by herself. God knows why she did today.” Eve sighed. “I need to get ready for work. You should make sure Ethan wakes up.”

“Okay,” Faith said.

“I’ll be in my room if you need me.” Eve paused in the kitchen doorway. “How do you feel about me taking you back to Lilith’s again?”

Faith’s heart leaped. “I’d love that.”

“Next week, then. When the twins are with Harrison.” The softness in Eve’s expression faded. “Don’t forget, Leah’s violin needs to be restrung. Drop it off in the afternoon. And Ethan has baseball practice.”

Faith watched Eve disappear down the hall. So they were back to boss and employee.

It was going to be another long day.

That evening after work, Faith met Lindsey for dinner at a little Thai restaurant near her house. They sat down and ordered their food before getting into the important business of catching up. It seemed like an age since they’d last seen each other that weekend at Lindsey’s house. So much had happened since then. So much had changed.

Faith had changed.

“So,” Lindsey said. “How are things with Eve?”

“They’re great,” Faith replied. “Actually, we went back to Lilith’s the other night. And we’re going back again next week.”

“Really?” Lindsey smirked. “And here I thought you weren’t into ‘that kind of thing.’”

“I wasn’t. Not until her.” Faith sighed. “There’s just something about Eve that makes me want to be hers. She makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. She’s brought out this whole new side of me.”

“Maybe that side of you always existed. It just took someone special to bring it out.”

“Maybe.” Faith rested her chin on her hand. “Eve really is special. I have serious feelings for her.”

“Have you told her that?”

“I don’t want to make things harder than they already are. This whole situation she’s in with the kids, it’s complicated.”

Lindsey gave Faith a sympathetic smile. “I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end.”

“Yeah.” But Faith was trying her hardest not to get her hopes up.

“And when it does work out, and you and Eve can stop hiding, we’re going on a double-date. I haven’t told Camilla about the two of you, but I’m pretty sure she’s figured it out. Either that, or she’s trying to set you and Eve up. She keeps hinting we should have both of you over for dinner.”

Faith shook her head. “How are things with Camilla, anyway?”

“They’re good. We’re thinking of going away soon. Taking a trip around Europe. Camilla has some distant relatives in France that she hasn’t seen in years.”

As Lindsey filled her in, Faith’s mind drifted back to the morning with Eve. She’d been walking on air since, daydreaming about the two of them going back to Lilith’s Den. Although Faith still found going to Lilith’s Den exciting, she mostly just wanted to go somewhere she and Eve could really be together.

Lindsey looked around. “Our food is taking forever. I’m going to the ladies room. Be right back.” She stood up and headed to the restrooms.

Faith dug her phone out of her purse while she waited for Lindsey to return. She had a message from her aunt Hannah.

I have some news about your sister. Call me when you get the chance .

Finally! Faith hesitated. She just couldn’t wait until after dinner. She had to know what was going on with Abigail.

She dialed Hannah’s number. Hannah picked up after a few rings.

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024