Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 25

“You’ll need the key,” Eve said. “It’s in the bottom drawer of the dresser.”

Faith went over to the dresser and retrieved the key. “Got it.” She was starting to feel like she was on some kind of scavenger hunt.

“Open the first drawer on the right-hand side of the bed,” Eve said. “Inside, you’ll find a long box made of wood.”

Faith unlocked the drawer and pulled it open. Sure enough, there was a long, thin box made of dark wood. And scattered in the velvet-lined drawer next to it were a dozen whips and canes, all of different lengths and sizes.

Faith stared. All of this had been in the house, right under her nose, the entire time she’d been working here?

How had she ever thought Eve was this boring, proper woman?

Faith glanced at the locked drawer next to it. There were even more drawers on the other side of the bed. Did they all contain kinky toys too ?

“What’s taking you so long?” Eve asked. “I hope you’re not snooping.”

“I’m not,” Faith said. “I’ve found the box.”

“Open it.”

Faith placed the box on the bed. Inside was a long metal bar with a leather cuff attached to each end. “What’s this?”

“You can’t figure that out for yourself?”

It was obvious that it was some kind of restraint, but the cuffs were too big for Faith’s wrists. Not that she’d be able to cuff her wrists by herself. And the bar was so long.

Oh. “These are for my ankles,” Faith said.

“That’s right,” Eve said. “It’s a spreader bar. Get onto the bed and put it on.”

Faith climbed onto the bed and sat down in the center of it. The bed was so vast and soft that she felt like it was swallowing her up. She positioned her phone on the pillow and set about cuffing her ankles.

Once she had the first cuff on, she understood why it was called a ‘spreader bar?

?. The long bar between the two cuffs would hold her legs wide apart. With nothing underneath the chemise Faith wore, Eve would have quite the view.

“Are you done?” Eve asked.

“Almost.” Faith fastened the second cuff around her ankle. It wasn’t easy. With her legs held apart, she had to stretch to her limits to reach her ankle.

When she was finished, she pulled the chemise down, covering as much of herself as she could. She wasn’t shy. She simply wanted to draw things out, to reveal herself slowly to Eve. Eve wanted a show?

Faith would give her a show .

“I’m done,” she said.

Eve’s voice rang out from the phone next to her. “Then it’s time to begin.”

“Are you watching now?”

“I am. It’s amazing how advanced technology is these days. I can see you as clearly as if I was in the room with you.”

A thrill raced through Faith’s body. “Do you like what you see?”

“I do.” Eve’s voice fell to a whisper. “That lingerie looks lovely on you. You have no idea how hot this makes me, seeing you in something I gave you, all laid out for me on my bed.”

Faith bit her lip. Eve’s sultry voice set off a thirst within her. “What do you need me to do for you, Eve? I’ll do anything you want.”

Eve chuckled softly. “Careful. You have no idea what goes on in the depths of my imagination. There are so many wicked things I’d love to do to you. For now, we’re going to start with something simple.”

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024