Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 17

“They’re great kids. Working with the twins is effortless. I enjoy it.”

Eve turned to look at her. “And how do you find working with their mother?”

Faith smiled. “It’s not bad either.”

“Well, I appreciate everything you do for us.” Eve touched Faith’s arm. “And I appreciate having you around.”

Faith’s skin prickled. Suddenly, all those feelings of frustration Faith harbored for Eve were replaced with something else entirely.

“Is something the matter?” Eve asked.

“No,” Faith replied. “It’s just, you seem so different. You look different. The hair, the glasses, the dress. You look stunning.”

Eve swept her eyes down Faith’s body. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

Suddenly, Faith felt very naked. “The dress isn’t mine. I borrowed it from Lindsey.”

“It looks like it was made for you.” Eve took a step closer. “You seem different too, you know. You’re much more relaxed outside work. More free. Wilder.”

Faith’s heart thumped hard against her chest. “Outside work?” Could she mean at Lilith’s Den?

Eve didn’t respond.

Faith drew in a breath. She couldn’t stay silent any longer. She had to know the answer to the question etched on her mind or she’d never know peace again.

“Eve,” she said. “Was it you?”

Eve tilted her head to the side, studying Faith. “Was what me?”

“Was it you, the other night at Lilith’s Den? In the corset?” Faith searched Eve’s eyes. They gave nothing away. Was she wrong? Had she imagined it all? “I have to know. Was it you?”

Eve didn’t answer her at first. She just stared back at Faith, holding her in place with her gaze.

Finally, Eve spoke.

“Yes. It was me.”

Chapter Seven

F aith stood frozen on the spot. She knew it. Eve and the woman in the corset were one and the same. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her,” she blurted out. “About you. About how much I wanted you to be her—”

Eve pressed her finger to Faith’s lips. “Wait.”

Faith nodded. Eve removed her finger. Faith’s lips tingled.

Eve walked over to the door, shut it, and returned to Faith’s side. “Tell me again. What were you saying?”

Faith spoke softly. “Ever since that night, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” She looked into Eve’s eyes. “I want you so badly, Eve.”

Eve brought her hand up, her eyes smoldering, and drew it down Faith’s cheek. “From the moment I laid eyes on you at Lilith’s Den, all I’ve wanted to do was make you mine.”

A tremor went through Faith’s body. In the space of a heartbeat, Eve’s lips were on Faith’s, kissing her so furiously that she had to grab onto Eve’s shoulder to steady herself. Eve’s fingers curled in Faith’s hair, her other hand around Faith’s waist, pulling her close.

She closed her eyes, letting Eve’s lips and arms engulf her. Eve’s hunger and intensity took Faith back to that night at Lilith’s Den the moment their eyes had met. This was the woman in the corset, the one who had made Faith breathless with just a glance. This was the woman who had filled her daydreams with all kinds of wicked images.

This was the woman who had made her realize she wanted something she never, ever thought she’d want.

Faith swept her hand up the side of Eve’s neck, her other hand tightening around Eve’s waist. Eve’s body pressed against hers, pushing her back into the window. Faith trembled. The glass was cold against her bare shoulders, but the rest of her was on fire.

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024