Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 14

Faith followed Eve toward the back of the house and into her office. What did Eve want? Her voice had taken on the exact same tone she used when one of the twins was in trouble.

Eve shut the door and gestured to a chair in the middle of the room. “Have a seat.”

Faith sat down.

Eve stood before her, looming over Faith’s chair. “You were supposed to be home twenty minutes ago.”

That was what this was about? “We were at the park,” Faith said.

“Did I say you could take Leah to the park? ”

“No. But it was just down the road from her tutor’s house. We were already there when I got your message.”

“And how was I supposed to know where you were?” Eve said coldly. “Where Leah was?”

“I’m sorry,” Faith said. “I thought you were at wor—”

“That makes it okay for you to take Leah somewhere without my permission?”

“It was just for a little while. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“I do mind. I’ve set out a schedule for them which I expect you to follow.” Her face darkened. “Is this something you’ve been doing? Taking the twins places I haven’t approved?”

“No, of course not,” Faith said. “This was a one-off. I’ll ask first next time.”

“There won’t be a next time.” Eve put her hands on her hips. “You’re not taking Leah or Ethan anywhere other than where I tell you to. You’re not to do anything with them unless I’ve given you explicit permission. You’re not to deviate from the instructions I’ve given you in any way.”

Faith bit back her frustration. How was she supposed to do her job if she couldn’t do anything without Eve’s approval?

“Well?” Eve said. “Do you have something to say?”

“It’s just—” Faith chose her words carefully. “I know I’m not their mother, but when the twins are with me it’s my job to look after them. And it’s hard to do that if I can’t make judgment calls sometimes. Leah was upset. I was trying to cheer her up. I thought going to the park would help. It was only for twenty minutes. I brought her straight home after that.”

Eve frowned. “Leah was upset? What about? ”

“Just a test at school.” Faith didn’t elaborate. Telling Eve that Leah was upset because she didn’t want Eve to be disappointed in her wouldn’t go down well at the best of times.

“That’s no excuse,” Eve snapped. “I’m her mother, not you. I decide where she goes and what she does.” She leaned down over Faith’s chair. “You will do as I say, or I’ll find another nanny who can follow my instructions.”

“Okay.” Faith spoke through gritted teeth. “I won’t do it again.” She didn’t apologize. She’d just been doing her job, but Eve was behaving as though Faith had taken Leah to some seedy back alley, not the park.

Eve scowled. “Just go home. I can handle the kids for the rest of the night.” She walked over to the door and opened it wide.

Faith left the room in a huff. She’d thought this job had been going well, but Eve was more infuriating than anyone else she’d worked for. And to think, just hours before, Faith had been having all kinds of crazy thoughts about her. It was ridiculous. Eve was Eve, not this mysterious woman in a corset that Faith had been obsessing about.

And Faith wasn’t interested in either of them.

Chapter Six

F aith arrived at the front of Lindsey and Camilla’s house. It was evening and the grounds of the estate looked stunning in the fading light. She loved coming out here, to this little slice of paradise just outside the city. The huge estate was like its own little world.

She got out of the car and looked up at the mansion before her. She’d been here a dozen times now, but she still found it impressive. It made Eve’s suburban palace look tiny in comparison.

Stop thinking about Eve. Faith had the whole weekend off. She was at her best friend’s party. She was supposed to be letting her hair down.

So why couldn’t she get Eve out of her mind?

The tension between the two of them had only risen since that afternoon in Eve’s office. It was like Eve had been watching Faith’s every move, her eyes dark and inscrutable behind her glasses. And every time Eve was around, it made Faith simmer inside with something that wasn’t entirely annoyance.

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024