Accidental Love (Accidental Hook-Up 1) - Page 57

It seemed like we were always together at someone’s house out by the ocean. I grew up this way and loved watching my daughter and soon my son do the same. There was something so innocent about it and I looked forward to all the trips we’d take when they were just a bit older to see other oceans in other parts of the world. These people were my entire life, and I looked down at Celia’s red hair before kissing her cheek.

I was running my own graphic design company with Rick now. We branched off a couple of years ago and it was the most successful one in Northern California. Being my own boss allowed me to work from home a lot of the time since I had a home office that offered everything that the one in the city had. I loved the freedom and seeing my family that much more.

Celia ended up trying her hand at writing a novel based on her family. It started as just a memoir of sorts but took off when she self-published it. People ate it up and my wife was stunned at the response, choosing to keep writing more books. She had a way of writing feelings that made them real to the reader and even I was drawn into her books when I read them or listened to them on Audible. I also laughed at the personal parts of the stories that pertained to Maisie or something small about us.

She stopped writing for clients after Maisie was born, finding a newborn time consuming. She found time here and there to write her story at her pace and that passion only grew as she released more books. When our son was born, I knew she might have a little less time, but my mom was always willing to help. Brin was always over as well since she decided to stay home after the twins were born.


There were mornings that I still woke up stunned at my life. I had the best husband in the world that worked hard at his job and on our family. I was thrilled when he decided to open another firm with Rick after they felt confident doing so. Rick married Grace two years ago and we both helped where we could, getting to be great friends along the way.

When I had Maisie, I fell in love in a way that I didn’t think was possible. She was this pretty, tiny baby that needed me to survive and admittedly, I went through some moments of fear. We got to know each other over the months and I knew what she needed without being told. She was a free spirit, and we bickered a lot, but I wanted her to be herself. I tried to balance her spirit and emotions while I let her move forward at her speed.

Remy started working from home a lot soon after she was born. I allowed him the time he needed here as well as time to go into the office to work, appreciating his support.

We didn’t have the time as we did when we first got together or the long nights in bed. We made it quick most of the time now but were blessed with a family that took Maisie overnight, so we’d have date nights in or out of the house. That was when our son was conceived and while he might break up the system a bit when he was here, we couldn’t be happier.

I often took a moment to look around our beautiful house and thank my parents for this life. They knew what they were doing when they left me the money to pursue my dream, which was ultimately theirs when I was younger. I felt them here a lot with me and often talked to them when the house was quiet. We knew that when the new baby was born, we might end up selling it for something bigger, so they could have their own rooms down the line. I’d miss this one, our first home, but we weren’t sure where our family was going to stop. I didn’t know what the future held, but I was no longer scared of the mystery

I had my prince by my side and he kept me safe. He made me feel so special and loved just the way he did when I was a little girl. I was just too young to know it back then. Remy was an amazing husband and father, showing Maisie so much love when she asked for it. Their moments together melted my heart and made me want a second baby just to watch it all over again. There might even be a third.

He was a great uncle to Brin’s kids as well. They ran into his arms every time they saw him, screaming his name at the top of their lungs. Holidays were loud and crazy when we were all together, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tags: Mia Ford Accidental Hook-Up Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024