Infinity Son (Infinity Cycle 1) - Page 82

“More years spent on politics than parenting, that’s for sure.”

“Only one of those paths was truly intentional, Eduardo.”

I cannot believe I come from this monster. “Why haven’t you killed me?”

“Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind.” The Senator pulls bourbon out of the mini fridg

e and pours himself a drink. “Certainly wouldn’t be the first time I tried.”

It’s as if he’s thrown me overboard and is watching me drown. “That wasn’t you. . . . Luna was responsible for the Blackout.”

“We were united by a common enemy. The growing support for the Spell Walkers negated everything my campaign stood for. Not ideal when you’re running against a celestial candidate. In exchange for my staying out of her affairs, Luna and I reached an agreement to eliminate the Spell Walkers.”

There’s no one in the world who truly knows the Senator or Luna. I was raised under his roof. I trusted Luna when she put shifter blood in me. Neither loved me.

“But why me?”

“Come on, Eduardo, you’re smarter than this. I certainly paid for higher education, at least. The support I gained from your death was immeasurable. The grieving father who wanted justice for his son’s death? Especially after losing his wife years before to more celestial violence? Hello, White House.”

The Senator’s smile fools the world, but I see him for who he really is.

I charge straight at him, and his fist catches me between the eyes. I’m seeing stars from the floor when his foot connects hard into my side, over and over. This is the person I feared so much that I risked death, hoping it would give me the power to hide from him. Someone who punches his son after telling him he coordinated his murder in the name of his own political agenda.

“You’re a heartless monster.”

“Monster? You’re the one with unnatural blood. Luna is crafty. It wasn’t in our agreement to let you live, but I suppose she took her precautionary measures in case I stepped out of line and interfered with her dealings. Exposing you to the world would’ve been my downfall. You must’ve pissed her off significantly for her to reach out to let me know that you were alive, knowing that I would send my guys to go collect you.”

That chaos was because of me.

Did Emil get out alive?

“What do you want from me?”

“Your power could be very valuable to me. Impersonate Congresswoman Sunstar and her committee and help me tank her support. Then, after I’ve secured the presidency, we can bring you back to life, but keep your powers discreet. There will be plenty of opportunities to use them during my terms.”

“I’ll never help you,” I say.

“Maybe some time in the Bounds will change your mind.”

That’s where we’re headed. We’re crossing the river to get to the New York Bounds, where some of the toughest of celestials are locked up. Where they kill each other for survival and sport.

“I’ll expose you! Word will get out that your entire campaign is a lie!”

“You’ll tell your fellow prisoners that you’re the son of the man whose policies are the reasons they’re behind bars? Best of luck surviving that. Eduardo, your time to reveal your truth has long passed. But I’m being fair and giving you the option to either help me win this election or fight for your life in the Bounds.” The Senator has no false smiles for me. “I need an answer fast. Who are you going to be?”


Shining Bright


I turn away from my laptop and stare at the Crowned Dreamer from outside my window.

So much has changed since the constellation first returned to the sky. I was getting ready to leave for college. Emil and I were powerless together. But now the stars are shining their brightest before vanishing by morning, and Maribelle Lucero is sitting on my bed after the most game-changing month of my life. I’m famous; I have purpose. I’ve proven time and time again that Emil might be the one with powers, but I’m still powerful.

Maribelle is honoring Atlas with Instagram posts—my idea. She had the password to his account and decided she wanted to post three photos: Atlas’s first day in New York, in front of a map that inspired his name; a selfie of Atlas and Maribelle during some rooftop date that was too hard for her to talk about; and the last of Atlas sleeping with a smile on his face. She doesn’t speak to me when writing out her last caption, or any before, but after this, we’re hitting the streets to find any leads on Luna’s whereabouts. Wherever Luna is, June won’t be far.

“Done,” Maribelle says, pocketing her phone.

Tags: Adam Silvera Infinity Cycle Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024