The Affair (The Evolution of Sin 1) - Page 43

Things were just heating up when the bell to his suite rang. When Sinclair didn’t immediately pull away, I pushed at him and stood up, righting my robe as I moved inside.

“I’m not done with you yet, Elle,” he called from the deck as I reached the door and let the waiter in with the trolley of aromatic Mexican food.

“I know you are new to this,” he began to explain, his voice drifting closer as he made to come inside, “but disobedience will result in punishment.”

I’m sure I was the exact shade of my flaming hair when Sinclair rounded the French doors and saw the flustered young waiter and me standing awkwardly side-by-side. His cool eyes swept over the scene without emotion and I gasped when he casually leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms, one eyebrow raised.

“I…” I cleared my throat as my eyes darted back and forth between Sinclair and the young man. “I ordered food.”

“I can see that.” Sinclair nodded, the picture of banality with his bare feet peaking out of unbuttoned jeans and his overlong hair curled chaotically around his handsome face. “You need to keep your strength up for what I have in mind tonight.”

My throat worked convulsively to swallow my shock. The waiter appraised me with a new kind of interest, his dark eyes lingering over the deep V exposed by the robe. Despite myself, I found desire surge through my blood. When I looked back at Sinclair he nodded, as if he could see my arousal from across the room.

“Pay the man, my siren, where are your manners?” he reprimanded softly as he padded over to me and took the receipt from the waiter.

He watched me as he signed it and tugged me into a silken embrace, his arms wrapped around my form so that I was could feel his entire length even through the thick robe. He sunk deep into the kiss, tantalizing me with deep strokes of his talented tongue while a hand pushed my robe daringly low on my shoulders, exposing the tops of my breasts. Forgetting myself completely, I submitted to his possession and moaned quietly as I melted into his arms.

When he finally pulled away with a slight but very smug smile, I had to blink rapidly for a minute to reorient myself.

“Oh,” I squeaked when I saw the waiter shift uncomfortably, adjusting a very discernable bulge in his pants.

Mortified, I dashed into the bedroom and closed the door on Sinclair’s deep chuckle as he addressed the poor young man. I closed my eyes and banged my head lightly against the wall to dislodge the lingering desire cluttering my thoughts. How could I have been so… slutty? I could feel the dampness between my legs, slicking my thighs as I rubbed them together. I had been so turned on by Sinclair’s possession, by my exposure to another man. What if I hadn’t freaked out, would he have taken it – me – further? The idea of being laid bare before a stranger as Sinclair manipulated my body brought on a molten wave of desire.

“Oh my God,” I murmured, sinking to the floor before the bed with my head in my hands.

That was how Sinclair found me minutes later. Immediately, he swooped down to pick me up and took me out into the main room where he had set up the small table on the deck with some candles and our food. I was mute as he settled me in the chair and turned on the soothing twang of Spanish guitar over the speakers. He maintained the silence as he served us and I was grateful for the space to calm my whirring thoughts. Even though I enjoyed the food immensely, I was hot and cold with shame throughout the meal.

It wasn’t that big a deal, I knew. So what we had made out in front of an audience of one and Sinclair had made a few innuendos? No big deal. But I was so inexperienced with both sex and being in the spotlight that I didn’t know what to make of my embarrassment and, even more so, my excitement.

When I reluctantly gave up on the creamy rice pudding after only three bites, Sinclair tugged my chair closer to his and pulled me into his lap. He loosened the front of my robe, ignoring my sudden tension, and softly began to stroke my neck and shoulders.

“Talk to me.”

I sighed deeply. “I don’t know what to say.”

“There is no right or wrong thing to say here, Elle. I just want to know what you think about what happened?”

“I…” I sighed again. “I liked it.”

He tilted my chin up so that I could see his smile. “I thought you might. You like it when I make the decisions, when you aren’t responsible for the shame of your sexual desires.”

I hesitated but nodded. My hand was resting over his heart and I found a much-needed sense of calm in his steady pulse.

“What I would do with you if I had more time.” He shook his head but his voice was wistful and amused. “But as it is, we only have two more nights. And I have plans for this one. As I remember it, you owe me a fantasy.”

I gulped as our fishing bet came back to me. My skin tingled with desire in anticipation of Sinclair lighting me on fire. It was astonishing how ready I was for him all the time; I constantly felt in danger of bursting into flames.

His fingers skated down my neck and squeezed gently. “Your pulse is racing. What are you hoping I will do to you?”

I stared up into his achingly handsome face while ideas stampeded through my mind. My lips parted and he dipped his thumb into my mouth so that I could gently nip at it.

“Tell me.”

Banked fires stirred in his eyes and I was suddenly determined to ignite them, to take hold of the passion he felt for me and coax it into a livid blaze. I knew what this man liked. I may have only known him for five days but I knew how to touch him, how to tease him. My submission was imminent but that didn’t mean I couldn’t first take pleasure out of seducing him.

“I want you,” I paused, watching the flicker of surprise in his eyes at my boldness, the way I lightly tugged his roguishly long hair, “to undress me.”

Immediately, the rope holding together my robe was pulled into his hands and the fabric gaped open across my chest, not quite revealing my pebbled nipples. I watched his eyes dip into the hollow between my breasts and his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard.

Tags: Giana Darling The Evolution of Sin Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024