Private Sydney (Private 12) - Page 66

Chapter 89

ELIZA SAT STARING out at the ocean as I escorted Mark out. I sat with her in silence for a few minutes.

‘I don’t believe any of it,’ she said finally.

‘It would explain why he didn’t have a passport, or any documents about where he was born, went to school, why he didn’t have a bank account. That wasn’t lost on the police either.’

‘That isn’t true. Contigo paid him. You can’t get a salary without a bank account. Non-profit organisations don’t pay cash wages.’

Obviously, Eliza didn’t know about the payout awaiting her. ‘Actually, he didn’t take the money. He negotiated a low salary and put it in a trust.’

She looked up, confused.

‘The trust was for you. So you were always taken care of.’

Eliza’s shock turned to anger. ‘Are you falling for all the crap the police are sprouting?’

‘Think about it,’ I tried. ‘It hasn’t made sense from the start.’

She reached for her crutches, slipped her forearms into the open cuffs and stood, shakily at first.

‘And you think that my father was defrauding Contigo Valley, the very company he built from nothing and which saved countless people’s lives? You have no idea what my father is like. You just said he took no money, no salary.’ She hobbled towards the spare room. ‘Someone has set him up and you don’t want to see it.’

I couldn’t blame her for reacting this way.

‘Where are you going?’

‘Getting my things. Then I’ll find Dad so he can clear his name.’

I paced, hands on hips. It wasn’t safe for her to go out, especially if she were still being followed. But this was a determined, stubborn woman who needed to defend her father’s honour. She couldn’t go out alone.

‘If you wait, I’ll drive you,’ I called out.

Through the open door I saw her crumple on the bed and the crutches drop to the floor. At first she began to cry quietly, then her body gave way to heavy sobs. I went in and sat next to her. I wanted to stop her pain but for now all I could do was hold her gently.

‘Wait.’ She sat up, eyes swollen. ‘Someone wanted him out of Contigo Valley. It has to be Lang Gillies. He’s the one capable of fraud. And he’s rolling in cash.’

It was possible, but the police seemed pretty sure Moss was the Swiss man.

Eliza wiped her face. ‘How tall did he say Gudgast was?’

‘My height. Six foot one. 185 centimetres.’

‘Well, that proves he isn’t my father.’ She composed herself enough to make complete sense. ‘You can make yourself look taller, but it’s hard to cut inches off. I used to measure him to see how tall I was getting in comparison. My dad is 180 centimetres. A whole five centimetres shorter.’

Chapter 90

I WONDERED IF the police genuinely believed Moss was Gudgast, or whether that’s what they wanted us to think

. I left Eliza to gather her things and headed for a quick shower. No sooner had I turned on the taps then I heard a scream. Towel hastily wrapped around, I ran out to find Eliza holding a hand over her mouth, staring at the TV in the lounge.

A badly damaged body had been pulled from Sydney Harbour. Sources believed it to be Eric Moss, missing CEO of the world-renowned Contigo Valley. The banner continued to scroll across the screen informing viewers that Moss had disappeared four days earlier.

I quickly dialled Mark Talbot and couldn’t hide my contempt.

‘Do you know what’s blazoned across the TV right now?’

My cousin sighed heavily. ‘As far as I know the body’s still in the water and hasn’t been identified. An anonymous caller told the Water Police they’d find Moss in the harbour. I needed confirmation it wasn’t a hoax before I could tell Miss Moss. That’s why I’m headed to the scene now.’

Tags: James Patterson Private Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024