Holding Mia (Rockers' Legacy Book 1) - Page 67

“He’s just worried,” I excused, watching my friend with concerned eyes. “He’s got a soft spot for Nevaeh.”

But I had a feeling it was a lot more than that.



The front door opened, and Mia walked in, tossing her bag onto the coffee table and kicking off her shoes before cuddling up beside me on the couch. I turned down the TV, holding her against me, and savored the moment.

Lyla had started giving Mia a ride home from work every Tuesday since she was picking up Josie anyway, but I’d still been on edge all evening while she was at the dance studio. It was like that whenever she wasn’t with me. This burning in my chest and gut only ever eased when she was close enough for me to touch.

“How was work?” I asked, kissing her forehead.

She melted against me, closing her eyes. “Good. Recital practice is going better than I anticipated with all those littles so easily distracted. And Josie is becoming my little star.”

“That’s good, babe. Glad you’re enjoying your job so much.”

“Me too,” she said, fighting back a yawn.

“Ready for bed?”

She shook her head, complaining it was too early. I hid a grin, knowing she would be asleep on me within ten minutes. I settled back, getting comfortable, because I wasn’t about to move her once she did.

Before the end of the show I was watching, she was already out for the count, and I kissed the top of her head before texting Braxton to bring me her throw off the chair in our room. A minute later, he walked into the living room and draped the soft blanket over her before sitting on the other end of the couch to watch the basketball game with me that came on after the show.

“Next week is Thanksgiving,” he commented during a commercial.

“I’m aware,” I said quietly, trying not to disturb Mia.

“Is she going home to spend it with her family?” he asked, and I gritted my teeth.

“This is her home,” I muttered, trying my best not to growl and wake her up.

“You know what I mean,” Braxton said with a sigh. “Is she going to California for the holiday or not?”

“Not,” Mia surprised us both by answering him. Lifting her head, she yawned and stretched. “And before you ask, yes, I’m going home for a few days for Christmas, but I was hoping you two bozos would come home with me for that. Unless you already have plans.”

“I’m coming,” I told her without hesitation. “Where you go, I follow.”

She gave me that happy little smile I always wanted to grace those lips.

“I’d rather be with you guys than deal with my parents anyway,” Braxton told her casuall

y, but he wasn’t fooling me.

I knew he’d rather be with Mia than anyone. It should have made me jealous as fuck, and there were times it did. But mostly, I was just happy that my cousin had someone he could rely on and wanted to spend time with, rather than locked in his room brooding about the loss of his leg and letting the memories torture him.

“Yay! I’ll let Momma know to get an extra room ready.” She kissed my cheek then hugged Braxton.

With a growl, I scooped her up and dropped her into my lap. Laughing, she stroked her fingers through my beard, pausing only long enough to poke at my dimples. “Be good,” she gently scolded me.

Braxton’s phone rang, and he picked it up off the arm of the couch. Whoever it was had him standing, calling a goodnight over his shoulder before lifting the phone to his ear.

Mia watched him go, then sighed. “I bet that was Nevaeh.”

“Probably,” I agreed, stroking my fingers down her back and cupping her ass. “Looks like she might be his new best friend. Does that make you jealous?”

Rolling her eyes, she moved so she was straddling my thighs. “No, Beast. I like that he has more than one friend. It’s just…”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Rockers' Legacy Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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