Forever Angel (Angel's Halo MC 8) - Page 33

“Oh, okay then.” I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The stall was narrow as hell, but I didn’t plan on getting in there with him. Going back to the bed, I urged him up. “Let me find something to wrap the cast in so it doesn’t get wet.”

“There’s a plastic bag in the top drawer over there. I saw it earlier when that nagging nurse wanted me to piss in some bottle.” I crossed to the little dresser and bent, searching for it. When I straightened, bag in hand, it was to find his eyes glued to my ass. “What?” he asked innocently.

“Perv,” I teased, wrapping the trash bag around his cast so that the entire thing was covered.

“You have a really great ass, baby,” he informed me with a smug look on his handsome face.

Shaking my head at him, I got him to stand. He was a little shaky on his feet, so I supported him by putting his arm that wasn’t in a cast over my shoulder, and I guided him into the bathroom. All he had on was the hospital gown, so I tossed that aside, making sure to keep my eyes above his waist while he got under the spray.

“Fuck, that feels good,” he groaned, leaning

into the jets.

There was a plastic pan full of toiletries that I made good use of. I had to get him to bend so I could wash his hair, then soaped him up with the tiny bottle of body wash. Even though he’d lost a lot of weight and muscle mass during his three weeks of captivity, he was still a huge man, so I had to use the body wash sparingly to make sure his entire body was clean.

When I touched his back, tears burned my eyes, and I sucked in a deep breath before I could stroke the red, tender flesh that had been flash-burned from the truck exploding. He shivered as I gently ran my soapy fingers over the large area. “Does that hurt?” I whispered.

“It itches a lot, but it doesn’t hurt at all now.” He glanced at me over his shoulder, his blue eyes darkening when he saw the tears glazing my eyes. “Don’t cry, baby. It’s just a scratch.”

“Stop,” I choked out. “Don’t play it off as nothing. You could have died, Tanner.”

“It’ll take more than that to get rid of me.” He leaned into my touch. “Can you scratch right there, sweetheart? It’s itching like a bitch right now.”

I scratched as tenderly as I could, and he sighed like he was in heaven. But I didn’t want to chance damaging what was just starting to heal, so I finished his back and moved on to the rest of his body.

When I got to the bottom half of his body, I paused.

Having been enjoying my ministrations, he didn’t like that I’d suddenly stopped. “Keep going,” he commanded. “Your hands feel so good, Jos.”

I could tell just how much he was liking what I was doing. His cock was at full attention, pointing straight at me. I sucked in a shuddery breath. “How can you be this hard when you’re as weak as a newborn colt?”

Grinning, he shrugged. “It’s your hands on me, Jos. I could be dead, and I’d still get this hard if you touched me.”

My skin heated with pleasure. “Don’t think you’re going to get lucky, mister. You’re in no condition for any of that.”

He winked at me, the look in his magnetic blue eyes wicked. “Whatever you say, beautiful.”

Sighing, I finished washing him, making sure to keep my touch impersonal as I washed everything. He groaned when I rubbed my soaped hands over his balls then along his cock. “So good,” he grunted.

I jerked back, slapping him on the ass. “Stop that,” I ordered. “I told you, you are in no condition for sex.”

His head tilted to the side as his brows lifted. “What about a hand job?”

“Tanner Reid, you’re nothing but trouble.” Shaking my head at him, I turned off the water and grabbed a towel. The terry cloth was thin, so it took two of them to get him dry. I used a third to wrap around his waist for the walk back to the bed.

I helped him dress then eased him down on the bed. By the time the covers were pulled up over him, he was breathing hard. “Fuck, I need a nap after all that.”

“Sleep. It will be good for you.” I started straightening up his room, needing something to do other than sitting in the chair beside the bed and watching television for who knew how long.

“I’m hungry,” he said with a yawn. “Is it lunchtime yet?”

“You still have a few hours before they serve it,” I picked up my phone from where I’d left it earlier. “I can get someone to bring you something from Aggie’s, though. All you have to do is tell me what you want, and she’ll make it for you.”

“Burger and fries. Some sweet iced tea to drink. Maybe some onion rings, too. Chocolate cake.”

I blinked at him for a second before laughing and sending Raven a quick text. Ten seconds later, she told me she was having one of the brothers bring it over.

“Should be about forty-five minutes,” I told him. “You going to be okay until then?”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Angel's Halo MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024