Undercover Billionaire Boss - Page 72

She was staring up at him, her lips parted in shock and surprise. He leaned over her, brushing his lips against her forehead, then lowering to trace the path of her tear against her cheek.

“Raina, I never want to be the cause of your tears again—unless they are happy ones.” His eyes begged her to believe him, and if that wasn’t enough, he tilted her chin toward him and claimed her lips with him.

She resisted at first but as his lips moved over hers she began to respond. His arms enveloped her and hesitantly her hand went to his face, tracing his strong jawline as her soft mouth parted beneath his passionate embrace.

“I want so badly to believe you,” she whispered pleadingly.

“I’m so sorry, please forgive me. I should have known better. Kelly told me everything. Raina— I—I don’t deserve you. I know that. You’re a much better person than I am.” Christian raked his fingers through his jet black hair and laughed. “You’ve always been a better person than I am. But, if you’ll let me, I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you and the kids. Please. Please let me.”

“I can’t bear to go through that kind of pain again,” she said, dashing his hopes.

“I never want you to feel pain of any kind ever again,” was his response.

He felt her assessing him, much the same way she had at their first meeting—at that job interview—trying to decide if he was trustworthy, trying to decide if she could give him a chance.

Their eyes locked, his pleading with hers, begging her to believe him, to see his remorse. There, in the depths of his soul she must have read the truth of his words because this time she was the one to pull him toward her and join their lips together.

Christian was surprised, but grateful, as Raina’s sweet kisses rained over him. Their lips moved together as their bodies pressed against each other, both longing for the connection they had felt not long ago, wanting to rekindle the spark between them.

The desire was more than either of them could fight, and neither wanted to deny themselves in the end. Hands moved quickly over bodies, arms and legs became entangled, and the gentle kisses they shared gave way to frenzied, gasping moans.

They had both been starved for the other and now that they could taste, touch, and feel the one they loved, they didn’t want it to end.

Christian slowly lowered her to the floor as she pushed his suit jacket off his broad shoulders and tore at the buttons of his crisp, white shirt. Her hands lingered over the rippled muscles of his stomach beneath the clothing and she gasped when he pushed down the top of her own blouse and bra, and claimed her dusky nipple with his mouth.

She gasped, holding his head to her breast as she writhed beneath him. “Wait—Christian—wait! What about the kids? They’ll be waiting for us!”

Christian barely paused his worshipful attentions to her body to murmur, “Let them wait. We’ve waited long enough.”

He resumed his gentle onslaught and Raina let herself succumb. She let out a soft moan of agreement.

Yes. The kids could wait …

Raina nestled in the crook of Christian’s arm as he gently stroked her hair and nuzzled her forehead.

“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed this. I’ve missed us.”

Raina murmured in agreement.

Knowing that they couldn’t avoid the outside world forever, they slowly began righting themselves and pulling on articles of clothing that had been tossed about the room.

They used the short time to reminisce about their relationship. Raina giggled a little when he talked about the interview and how tough yet kind she had been that day.

“I gave you the job out of sympathy,” Raina announced with a laugh.

“I know. I was not a good handyman.” He laughed as well, his warm eyes crinkling around the edges as he watched her straighten her hair. “Raina you’re the most wonderful, attractive, and generous woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I didn’t th

ink women like you existed.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” Raina said with a twinkle in her eye.

“However,” he warned, very seriously, “Never, ever, ever, ever invite a stranger into your home again! I wanted to wring your neck that day you did that, even though I was desperate to be near you,” Christian’s voice was kind, but exasperated.

“It was a one off. I’d never do something like that again.”

“I don’t believe you,” he teased. But then, more seriously he added, “But that’s also what I love about you. How trusting and kind you are. How you are always willing to believe the best in people.”

Reminiscing had broken down her defenses, Christian thought. She looked relaxed, with the wary look having left eyes. “I love you, Raina, please forgive me?” he pleaded unashamedly.

Tags: Mia Caldwell Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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