A Wonderful Kind of Love (Kinds of Love 2) - Page 128

“Cocky much?” I pushed his shoulders slightly. In response, he thrust his hips up to demonstrate his position of cockiness. It made me whimper with pleasure.

“It's not ego if it's true.”

I had no comeback for that. As far as I was concerned, it was true. He was the best lover I had ever had. I knew that if I told him that though, he would go straight to his head, so instead I just kissed him.

I didn't want to break away from him, but nature was telling me it was inevitable. I pulled back, staying on his lap for just a moment longer. “Do we still get to fish today, or was this the whole purpose of the boat?” I asked, nodding to our location.

Aiden chuckled. “If this were the whole purpose, I would have gotten a comfier boat.”

Chapter 14

I sat on the edge of the boat, my feet dangling in the water and my head resting on Aiden's shoulder in complete bliss. I didn't care if we caught a single fish for the rest of the day-- I was having a fantastic time.

I could see a boat in the distance, but I didn't pay them much attention until it was clear they were headed straight for us. For a moment, I wondered if they had somehow heard my screams of pleasure and thought I needed rescuing.

The boat was slightly larger than ours, but with more storage and less speed. A man with aviator glasses and jet black hair was steering while a woman in a wetsuit gave him directions from the on-board computer. They silenced their engines to a throttle as they came alongside ours.

“I'm going to need to see your fishing licenses,” the man asked. I didn't see any official emblems on their boat, but I supposed they could be with the coast guard. I hoped Aiden had the appropriate documentation needed.

“And I'm going to need to talk to your supervisor,” Aiden retorted without looking up from his fishing line. I felt my eyes go wide at his flippant tone, but kept the rest of my face still. It certainly wasn't the tactic I would have used to get out of a ticket.

“Then you should probably stop by the facilities and see her sometime,” the woman in the other boat replied. “I'm still trying to get in touch with your brother. We're booked out for months because of him, but he won't answer my calls.”

“As much as I know Logan appreciates your interest, he's with Olivia now,” Aiden said, grinning up at them. These people were obviously his friends. He changed his expression to look scandalized. “Besides, what would your husband think?”

“It would really just depend on what I would get in return. Olivia's pretty cute,” the dark-haired man answered with a wink I could see over his sunglasses. The woman smacked his chest in pretend disgust at his sexualized comment.

“I wondered if we might run into you out here.” Aiden laughed, rising to his feet. I mimicked his motion, but stayed quiet since I didn't know them. “Izzy can't stay away from me when I'm on a boat.”

“Hey! That was a long time ago, and it was dark, and I thought you were Noah!” the woman exclaimed, rolling her eyes. She leaned up against the man next to her. He laughed and put his arm around her in solidarity. Love floated around the two of them in heavy waves.

“Now, Aiden...” The man tipped his sunglasses up onto his head, revealing spectacular blue eyes. He smiled at me. It was a breathtaking smile, but it didn't make me go weak in the knees the way Aiden's did. No, as amazing as this man's smile was, it was obviously meant for someone else. “At least your brother knows how to introduce a pretty girl to his friends.”

Even though I wasn't interested in him, I still blushed at the compliment.

“Lena, this is Noah and his wife, Izzy,” Aiden introduced. “Noah and I used to box together in college and Izzy runs a marine sanctuary on the island. The shark lab there is a big hit with the tourists.”

“It's nice to meet you both,” I said with a grin.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, too!” Izzy bubbled. “If you want to come by the sanctuary later, I'd be happy to give you a tour.” I instinctively liked her friendly nature. She reminded me a lot of Darcie.

“Now, Lena,” Noah said, his face serious. “You seem like a nice girl, so I have to ask what you're doing out here in this rust-bucket with this scoundrel.”

“He kidnapped me,” I answered, keeping my face as serious as possible. I was enjoying the easy, joking atmosphere the three of them had going on and wanted to join in. “Something about needing bait for sharks.”

Izzy laughed. “It must be working. She's right under your boat.”

“She?” Aiden asked, paling a little. “I'm not helping you catch this one. The last time I helped you, I nearly ended up an appetizer.”

I glanced back and forth between the two of them, not quite following. I really hoped Izzy didn't mean that a shark was under our boat. Especially since I had just been splashing my feet in the water.

“Well, I didn't come out here just to see you, Aiden,” Izzy teased. “But don't worry, I'm just tracking this shark, not trying to catch her. Besides, you were fine.”

“I was in the ocean next to a very large shark,” Aiden countered. “I would prefer to keep my animal encounters to ones under me on the food chain.”

“There's a shark under our boat?” I asked, peering over the edge of our suddenly very flimsy, floating vehicle. I was expecting to at least see a dark shape, but all I saw was dark blue water.

“A lemon shark, to be precise,” Izzy answered. Her eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas. Noah smiled at her enthusiasm for the creature, love showing in his gaze.

Tags: Krista Lakes Kinds of Love Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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