A Forever Kind of Love (Kinds of Love 1) - Page 96

He put his hand in his pocket and a slow smile filled his face.

He wasn't going to let fate steal her away for a second time. He was going to win her heart and keep it safe. He had a plan to give her the kind of love she deserved…

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Preview of A Wonderful Kind of Love

“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” she whispered, pushing her hips against his. The way his pupils dilated nearly did her in.


There are only two things that make billionaire Ethan White's heart race: fast cars and Laura Corbett. Unfortunately, Laura wants nothing to do with his playboy ways. Ethan thinks that everyone has the wrong idea about him, including his stalker, and he's determined to prove them all wrong. When Ethan's business partner wants to open a new car R&D facility in Colorado, he jumps at the opportunity to be closer to his two passions.


Thrust into the new responsibility of raising her siblings by the death of her parents, Laura Corbett doesn't have time for awkward hookups, let alone a relationship. So when the billionaire she had a one night stand with shows up in town, she pretends he doesn't exist. She can't let anything come between her and her family.

But nothing can prepare her for the way that Ethan connects with her brother and sister. And she can't deny the fact that jumping in his bed makes her come alive. Everything seems like it'll be normal again, maybe even better than normal.

But Ethan's stalker disagrees...

Chapter 28


“Are you sure you have to go?” Laura asked. She sat on the edge of the hotel bed watching as Ethan packed up his things. He was meticulous in where he put everything, and she could see why he wouldn't want anyone else to do it. The man was a little bit of a control freak about his things.

“Yes,” he said, looking up. “It'll only be for a couple of days. You'll barely even notice I'm gone.”

Laura made a visible show of pouting. “I just like having you here.”

He chuckled and stopped packing to lean over and kiss her.

“I like being here,” he told her. “However, W Motors is still based out of California. I have things I have to do there.”

“And you're sure you can't do those things here?” she asked, still pushing out her lower lip. “I mean, telecommuting is a real thing.”

“Believe it or not, I have done it,” he replied, going back to his suitcase. “I have to do this in person. Not everything can be done through a computer screen.”

Laura crossed her arms and pouted, doing her best impersonation of a three-year-old. It made Ethan laugh.

“I'll be back before you know it,” he said, closing the lid to his suitcase and zipping it up.

“Promise?” she asked, still keeping her pout going.

He smiled. “Promise.”

He came around and kissed her again, wiping the pout from her lips. It wasn't possible to pout and kiss him at the same time. It wasn't possible to be anything but happy when he kissed her.

“Now I really do have to leave, or I'll be late for my flight,” he said, giving her a stern look.

“I thought it was a private jet? Don't you get to pick when you take off?” she asked. She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Maybe in, I don't know, thirty minutes?”

“You temptress woman,” he told her shaking his head. “I have meetings. And a flight plan. And we already went once today.”

“So?” She grinned, and he chuckled.

Tags: Krista Lakes Kinds of Love Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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