A Forever Kind of Love (Kinds of Love 1) - Page 29

“Okay. They can stay. What do you need from me?” Mia asked.

Laura grinned. “Nothing,” she said. “I can't wait to tell them!”

“Thank you for inviting us,” Mia replied with a smile.

“It was actually Carter's idea,” Laura told her. She paused for a second. “Is there something going on between the two of you?”

Mia hoped that the heat flushing through her cheeks wasn't too obvious. “Not really, why?”

Laura shrugged. “Since the two of you have been hanging out together during the kids' work times, he's been happier. He's actually the happiest I've ever seen him.”

“Really?” Warmth filled Mia's chest. “He's happier?”

“A lot,” Laura told her. “And it's always when you're around. So keep coming by because I like a happy boss. I'm going to go tell the kids.”

Laura grinned at her and then hurried back toward the barn, excitement in every step as she went to tell the kids that they were staying the night at the ranch to help with the horse birth.

Mia watched her. She grinned, feeling butterflies dance in her stomach. He liked her. If she were fifteen years younger, she would have gone straight home and practiced writing “Mia Williamson“ a hundred times in her diary.

She giggled at the idea and realized she liked the sound of her name with his. Which just made her giggle more. She was entirely crushing on him. Not only was he cute, but he made her laugh. She wondered if the kids had noticed that Mia was happier too. Because she was. She totally and completely was happier with Carter in her life.

“You're staying tonight too, right?”

Mia turned, startled to see Carter leaning against the fence behind her. She wondered exactly how long he'd been there and mentally tried to remember everything she'd just said in case she'd said something foolish. Luckily, she was fairly sure she'd only said “Mia Williamson” in her head and not out loud.

“I can't let them have all the fun, can I?” Her heart fluttered in her chest. The sunlight was in his gold hair and sparkling in his eyes. It was enough to make a girl's knees go weak.

He grinned at her and her knees really did go weak. That man had a smile that turned her to melted butter.

“What are you up to today?” Mia asked, trying to regain her composure. She was a strong, confident woman and she was determined not to go all goo-goo eyed just because he looked like sex on a stick. He pushed himself off the fence and sauntered over to the barn doors.

“Just coming to see how my mare is doing,” he replied. She tried not to stare at the way his shoulders filled out his shirt. “Care to join me?”

“Sure.” She hoped she didn't sound as breathless as she felt. How did he do this to her? She was a smart, professional woman, but his mere smile sent her brain spinning and her hormones into overdrive.

Side by side, they walked into the barn. He put his hand on the small of her back in the cool darkness of the barn and guided her to the birthing stall. She felt a thrill go through her at his touch and she tried not to giggle like a school girl. It was harder than she expected.

Hopeful Dreamer was inside a large stall, looking huge and ready to pop, though Mia would never tell her that. The mare's tail was neatly wrapped up and tied back out of the way and she looked at the two of them as they entered. Mia could have sworn the mare rolled her eyes at them as if to say, “Oh good, more people to watch me. Fabulous. Just what I wanted.”

“I actually had some more questions for you on the car design,” Carter murmured, still looking at the mare. He'd dropped his hand when they'd reached the stall and Mia found herself wishing he'd put in back on her.

“I'm happy to help,” Mia replied. Her stomach got all giddy again at the thought that she had an excuse to be with him.

He motioned to a bench along the back side of the barn and together they sat down and started talking.

“What did you think of the trunk? Was the trunk size appropriate?” Carter asked, pulling up the designs on the phone.

“Depends on if you like some junk in your trunk,” Mia replied automatically. She was glad the barn was dimly lit so he wouldn't see the blush cross her cheeks. She felt like the world's worst flirt, but she wasn't about to give up.

“I happen to like a little bit of junk,” Carter replied slowly. “Makes driving the curves more exciting.”

Mia risked a glance over at him and he winked. She giggled. She desperately racked her brain to come up with some clever car innuendo, but nothing came that made sense, so she went with actual, helpful advice.

“In actuality, the trunk can always be bigger. Especially if you're marketing to parents. I always need more space for bikes, gerbils, suitcases, and other things,” Mia said, hoping she didn't sound too lame.

“Bikes, suitcases, and gerbils? In your t

runk?” He sounded horrified.

Tags: Krista Lakes Kinds of Love Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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