Periculum – Unus (Devil's Playground 1) - Page 43

“What is this?” Mel asked from behind me, grabbing my arm as we stepped into the room.

The space was filled with people in suits and ballgowns, walking the floor with glasses of champagne and conversing casually. Flat screens were strategically placed around the room, each one showing a different area of Goetia. Those who took immediate notice of us did so with smiles and waves.

A clinking sound came from above us. I lifted my head towards the upper balcony, every muscle in body going rigid. My family—our families—were right fucking there, dressed to the nines and shaking hands with people I’d never seen before. Beside them, standing in a nice row, were four familiar faces, all staring back at us.

“What is happening?” Selena questioned, grabbing hold of my arm as if she were about to flee and take me with her.

Unable to answer, I watched my abuelo accept a microphone from someone.

He cleared his throat to get the room’s attention, waving down at us proudly. I could hear blood rushing in my ears, my mind racing to make sense of what I was seeing.

This couldn’t be happening.

It wasn’t real.

I tore my eyes away from the balcony and looked around room, gaze coming to rest on two gilded double doors. Two words were displayed above them, both eroded and large as if they’d been here for quite some time.

“Goetia will lead you to the Devil’s Playground.”

How ironic was it that we’d been brought here by the devil himself?

This wasn’t the end of anything.

It was the very beginning.


I’ve waited patiently for this day to come.

Always watching.

Always lurking.

Always a good boy who kept his distance.

Until I didn’t.

She doesn’t remember me, but I remember her.

It’s time to put my mask on and play.

Every demon wants his pound of flesh.

Psycho versus psycho.

Let’s see how vicious she can be.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Devil's Playground Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024