Old Money Roulette: Complete Trilogy - Page 142

I nodded, pretending I believed them, flashing the charming smile that always put people at ease.

The whore on the left fixed her attention on the file I had sitting on the table. She quickly diverted her gaze when she realized I was watching her for that very reason.

“She’s divine isn’t she?” I picked up the large black and white photograph of Elena Rias.

“Yes,” she said softly, refusing to show her true feelings on the matter.

I knew she had some—it was her twin sister, after all, and very soon she would be my wife.

I placed the photo back in the folder and flipped it closed. Whores should never have the privilege of gazing upon queens.

“Well, since you’re here…” I stood and let her imagination figure out the rest.

Without shame, hesitation, or question, she dropped her knees to the terracotta and reached for my belt buckle. As soon as her nimble fingers grasped the leather, I brought my arm from behind my back, pressed the barrel of my gun to her forehead, and pulled the trigger before she could scream. My dick twitched as the light left her eyes.

Like a puppet that had been lifted up just to have its strings cut, her body slumped to the ground. Blood formed a shallow puddle around her head.

Her companion screamed and took off like a newborn calf, trying to scramble across the stained concrete in heels.

“Why do you let them run?” Sergio shook his head in amusement.

“Sometimes I like them to believe they have a chance of survival. Makes it more fun,” I replied, reclaiming my chair.

A hand on my shoulder pulled me back to the present.

“You’re daydreaming, eh?” Elias laughed, handing me a beer and sitting down in his usual chair.

“Something like that,” I said, seeking out Elena.

She was still in the same place. As if she felt my eyes on her, she turned and smiled at me, sucking mustard off her thumb.

I’d done a lot of things to get her here, but I didn’t regret a single one. I ripped that fucking pendant off her sister’s neck and tossed it in a box of random ashes.

I made her mother take the fall for it, giving her my word that I’d ensure her own mother lived. Funny how that all worked out.

Sadly, though, Lucielle had a negative reaction to a sedative and never woke up one day.

I told Elena once I’d only lied when it came to the game. That hadn’t changed. I didn’t appreciate being fucked with, and I always held the last hand.

I got what I wanted in the form of all Rihannon’s connections and the beautiful woman I loved, and was going to extend the Remmington name with, the obsession driving me to finish what I started.

“You okay?” Sergio asked, coming to join us.

I glanced at Elena, who was now making her way towards me, and grinned.

“I’m better than okay.” I shared a knowing look with my baby brother.

The Rias family was gone.

Game over. For now.

Old Money Trilogy

Three interconnected standalones.

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Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance
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