Old Money Roulette: Complete Trilogy - Page 55

A soft pop resounded in my ear as I clenched my jaw, refusing to bite his bait. I’d just reached the foyer when he spoke again.

“You really don’t have to walk. The car I bought you is in the garage.”

“The car you bought me?” I stopped and whirled around to face him, my hand securely gripping one of the brass handles attached to the front door.

Not realizing how close he’d been, I nearly smashed into his chest.

Catching myself at the last minute, I put as much space between us as possible. The grin he gave me in response was nothing less than feral.

“Yes, the car I bought you when I knew you’d be coming back. The Cadillac. I thought you’d have figured out where it came from when the gates opened for you that first time.”

I’d wondered what had made that happen, but why the hell would I automatically assume it was because Mateo had purchased the car?

Just like I never would have guessed he’d paid for my aunt and sister’s funeral.

“I don’t want anything from you but answers. Until then, you can put my car back together, and I’ll be on my way.”

He released an elongated sigh, glancing up at the ceiling before leveling me with a dimpled smile that was much more sinister than friendly. “Elena, I don’t really give a fuck if you want anything or not. If I did, I would have asked for your opinion. Being with me means accepting nice things. Your inability to do so will only piss me off.”

“You’re a very delusional individual.”

He hummed in response, sliding his hands into his pockets as I turned away.

I attempted to open the door on the right and then the left, quickly realizing they weren’t going to budge.

“Now seems a good time to mention that the only way to leave is by me manually disengaging the locks.”

Closing my eyes, I dropped my forehead to the cool stained glass window. I’d never expected him to actually let me walk right out the door, but at the very least, I had to try.

I knew right then that he wasn’t ever going to let me go, and some twisted side of me reveled in the notion of being possessed by him, unaware of the insane lengths he would go to ensure I remained by his side.

Chapter Three

“You’re still trying to run away from me. Have you learned nothing?”

I schooled my features to cover my warring emotions before turning to face him.

“I’m not running from you. I just need some space.”

“Space?” He nodded to himself like I’d just confirmed something. Squinting, he pulled his bitable bottom lip between his teeth, studying me intently.

“You openly admitted you were going to use me. Do you not understand that I’ve killed women for far, far less?”

His cold words tested my rapidly weakening composure. I clung to what was left of it like a lifeline, knowing it was too damn late to retract my confession.

“Then why am I still here?” I asked, taking the high road and swallowing down my defensive retorts.

“Because I’m far from finished with you, Elena, and I know you’re not finished with me,” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his chin. “If I kissed you right now, you’d kiss me back whilst pretending to hate every second of it.

If I spread your legs and fucked you against that door, you’d convince yourself you didn’t want me, but I guarantee you’d still scream my name when you came all over my dick.”

“If I told you to admit you fell for me a long time ago, you’d lie and say you didn’t, but we both know that’s not true.”

I shifted in place as his words had their desired effect between my legs, and penetrated the organ racing in my chest.

I opened my mouth once, twice, but no sound came out. My lips pressed into a thin line and I cleared away a small lump in my throat. “What does any of that have

to do with me wanting space?”

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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