Old Money Roulette: Complete Trilogy - Page 40

All I needed to ask myself was one question.

Did I wait until the very end to jump or did I come clean with the truth and burn the bridge myself?

“What are you thinking?” he asked, trailing a finger down the side of my face, pulling me out of my melancholy reverie.

I’m not who you think I am. I’m a liar, a user, and the idea of loving you makes me sick inside. The truth was weighing down on my lungs ready to spring from my mouth.

I couldn’t. I was a coward–keeping my skeletons buried away. The same reason I had hesitated so long to search for Eva. I was terrified of the unknown.

I was terrified of his world. It had tried and failed to take my life once already. The scars on my wrists were a botched job to make it look like I wanted to kill myself.

Someone had been looking for Eva and found me instead. I didn’t know who ultimately saved me, but I was grateful.

“Come with me,” Mateo coaxed when I didn’t respond, taking my hand.

We entered a lavishly appointed suite with a secluded bedroom. I didn’t feel any jittery nervousness now that we were alone, only an uncomfortable sensation between my thighs.

“I’ve never actually been to Vice City before,” I admitted partially to distract myself, looking out the window at the lit up skyscrapers. Mateo slid his hands around my waist, coming up behind me.

“So what’s it feel like?”

“What does what feel like?”

“That.” I nodded my head so I could keep my hands intertwined around my waist with his. “That’s all yours.”

He was quiet so long I didn’t think he was going to answer me.

“I see past, present, and future years of blood being spilled, drugs being imported, and women selling themselves in the shadows of luxury and exuberant wealth.

I see my family’s and friends’ families losses and dedication to make Vice City everything people flock to it for.”

Hanging off his every word, I understood his description perfectly. Many people would see his wealth and assume he had a silver spoon in his mouth.

What I had seen in the Player’s Lounge wasn’t even a pinch of his operation. I couldn’t fathom having control of a whole city.

“How does this feel?” he asked after a minute.

“Hmm,” I snuggled back into him, smiling at our reflection. “This feels natural. I feel safe.” I wanted to reel the last word back in and replace it with something else.

That was a little too deep. Then again, wasn’t us standing like a regular pair of lovers gazing out at his city just as equivalent?

“I’ll always keep you safe, amada.” He turned me so that I was chest to chest with him. I wanted to ask how he could be so sure about that, but oddly enough, I believed him. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt me, he just forgot to extend that rule to the one person who could do me the most harm.

He took me to the bedroom where a queen bed waited with white linens begging to be dirtied. Knowing what was to come I silently stepped out of my dress and then turned to face him in nothing but my heels.

He slowly turned me around his gorgeous eyes devouring me whole. “I imagined you like this…what you would be like. You sure as hell didn’t disappoint. You’re pure perfection, minha beleza.”

I smiled so big I could see the tops of my cheeks, warming from his compliment and the hungry look on his face.

He studied me a second longer before he lurched forward and sealed his mouth over mine. With barely any effort he cupped my ass and lifted me up onto the bed, depositing me on my back.

“I want to feel your pussy,” he rasped, pulling away and then kissing me sweetly.

One hand slowly roamed down my body, taking its time feeling up my curves. Painstakingly slow, his thumb traced up and down my slit. He leaned up to watch me, smirking when a small whimper escaped my swollen lips as he eased one digit slightly inside me.

“You’re dripping wet,” he noted quietly, sliding his index finger inside next, palm facing up.

I bit my lip to stifle a moan, feeling completely exposed.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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