Trust The Devil (Devil's Riders 3) - Page 13

She knew she was safe with him. It would be okay. She repeated it to herself a few times.

Everything was okay.

"No, that's okay Charlie, you go home."

The door jingled as Charlie let himself out. She sighed and reached for the broom. She swept up quickly and then came back to the register to close it out. Donnie was staring at her with a serious expression on his face, his spoon still in his hand. He set it down and pushed the bowl away.

"I didn't mean to keep you late."

"It's okay. I'm almost done."

She reached for his bowl and he grabbed her hand.


She froze, staring at his hand where it clasped hers. His hand was so big. He could kill her with that hand. He could do it without even trying.

She raised her eyes to his, half expecting to see anger, or lust. But his clear blue eyes were earnest and kind.

She blinked. No one had looked at her that way in a long time. It was like he was really seeing her. Seeing the real her, and liking what he saw.

But that was how they got you, she reminded herself. Carl had started out sweet too. So full of compliments and flattery. Always opening doors. Always helping her with her coat and guitar.

She looked away and the spell was broken. She pulled her hand loose and he let her go. Poor Donnie probably thought she was a freak.

She took his bowl and spoon and disappeared into the kitchen. She stayed there for a few minutes, until the tears that were hovering behind her eyes finally retreated.

When she came outside he was gone, and a twenty dollar bill sat on the counter. That was quite a tip for two bowls of soup. She touched the bill, staring at it.

He was being a gentleman she knew. He wasn't full of empty flattery. Maybe he really was different. Pretty soon he'd give up and go away. That was better for everyone right?

"Stupid. Why am I so stupid?"

Chapter 13


Here goes everything.

Donnie was leaning on his bike, hoping she wouldn't freak out when she saw him waiting in the parking lot. His instincts were to charge ahead like a bull, but he knew that wasn’t going to work in this case.

Sally was different. Sally was special. And she was worth the wait. If it took him a little longer, he didn’t mind.

He just wanted to get close to her. More than just sex. He wanted to protect her.

He was finally figuring out that Sally wasn't afraid of him. She was afraid of something else. He didn't care though. He was going to figure out what it was that was making her so jumpy.

And then he'd kill it.

He straightened up and smiled reassuringly when she came out of the diner. She locked up and turned, freezing when she saw him. Then she smiled.

Thank God.

"I thought I'd give you a ride."

Sally chewed on her full bottom lip for a minute, driving him absolutely insane.

"Not tonight okay, Donnie? I just want to walk, I could really use the air."

He shrugged.

"I'll walk you home then."

"You don't have to do that."

“It’s fine.”

“Is it safe? To leave it here, I mean.”

He smirked. She was so cute to worry about his bike. Like anyone in this town would even breath on his bike.

They all knew better.

“Yeah, it’s safe. No one will mess with my ride.”

“Suit yourself.”

She walked out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk. He jogged a bit to catch up, flashing her a megawatt smile. She gave him an exasperated look. She was so cute it he could barely stand it. He was glad she'd left that ratty old sweater at home.

And he loved it when she sassed him. Partially because it was sexy. But mostly because it meant she was relaxed.

"Are you following me, Donnie?"

"Escorting you darlin'. Big difference."

She rolled her eyes and turned her head away, but not before he caught her smile. He had a big shit eating grin on his face as he followed her home like a puppy dog.

He knew he was being ridiculous. If any of the Riders saw him going for a stroll they would laugh themselves stupid. But for some reason he just didn't care.

“You really aren’t afraid to leave your bike?"

"Nobody would mess with a club ride in this town."

She didn't say anything for the next block or two. He didn't mind. He just liked looking at her. She smelled nice too. Sort of like… roses.

That was it. Roses. Maybe honeysuckle too. His mom loved honeysuckle. She had it growing all over the yard.

Finally they walked up to a tiny house. It was old and decrepit, but she'd planted some pretty flowers in front. He followed her to the front stoop.

"This is me."

"I know. I drove you home remember?"

"Oh. Right, of course."

Tags: Joanna Blake Devil's Riders Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024