Dance With The Devil (Devil's Riders 4) - Page 34

We’d done an awful lot of that too .

Even for our first night back together .

“Wait till you taste my French toast. You will put on an easy ten pounds with me as your personal chef !”

I shook my head. He really did seem to love my post-baby body. I wished I hadn’t worried about it so much last night. I felt foolish for it now .

A few extra pounds was just more to love, was what he’d told me .

He really was a gem .

“Steak and eggs ?”

“You need your strength if you’re going to keep up with me, young lady .”

I giggled, blushing at the sexy look in his eyes. He’d already made love to me three times. And nearly a fourth time late at night in the lake, though I’d begged for a shower before we did the actual deed. There was no way he could be ready again …

My eyes slid down to his apron which was sporting a visible tent .

Oh my .

I guess he could after all .

I stared at him in awe .

The man was a machine !

My machine .

“You are something alright .”

He saluted me with the spatula in his hands .

“You can trust me. I’m a professional .”

Standing there in the kitchen with his shirt off, he looked more like a Greek God. Perfectly sculpted, with golden sunlight caressing his skin. A Greek God who made his lady a hearty breakfast .

Ew, Becky, you sound ridiculous! Get a grip and hold onto it! WITH BOTH HANDS !

I sighed. I couldn’t help it if Whiskey made me a little dreamy eyed. Not just a little, either. A lot. If I was with the girls, I would be gushing about him. If I was alone I would be dreaming about him .

And as of right now, I was staring at him with a goofy look on my face .

“ Soup’s on !”

I laughed as Whiskey pretended to ding an imaginary bell, like the line cook did at Mae’s .

“You’re in a good mood .”

He set a plate on the island in front of me, then spun my bar stool around so I was facing him .

“And why wouldn’t I be? I got a woman and a baby in one day .”

He sprinkled me with tiny kisses then spun me back around so I could eat. I was pretty darn happy too .

Even though there was a tiny voice inside me telling me it couldn’t last .

“Whoa, that smells good , man .”

I stopped chewing mid bite as Donnie and Jack clomped into the room in their boots. It was impossible to ignore any of the Riders, and it wasn’t just because they were big and menacing looking in their leather .

It was those biker boots that made so much noise !

Whiskey tousled my hair affectionately and the guys exchanged a look. I watched in awe as they immediately started texting. I knew what was happening .

They were reporting back to their women .

“So… everything good here?” Donnie grinned and took a seat at the island. “Not gonna lie. We were fifty percent sure you might have chased him into the woods with a meat cleaver .”

Jack gave Donnie a meaningful look .

“Some people may have placed bets .”

I gave Donnie a prim look .

“A lady never resorts to violence .”

Jack made a grunting sound that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. But when I looked at him, his face was blank. I could have sworn I saw a twinkle in his eye, though .

“Keys .”

He tossed a set of key’s in the air and Whiskey caught them with ease .

“Thanks man. I want to get an early start .”

He grinned wide .

“I have to go meet my baby .”

The guys got very still on either side of me .

“Uh, want to fill us in, Whiskey ?”

He pointed at me with the spatula .

“This beautiful lady had my baby a few months ago. We got ourselves a newborn. Looks just like her daddy .”

He winked .

“‘Course, next time I want to be there to hold the cutie the moment it arrives .”

“ Next time ?”

I was getting a little nervous. What did he mean next time ?

“You’re my woman now. I’m sure we’ll be making more critters .”

My jaw must have dropped .

Critters? Really ?

Maybe he was a little bit too enthusiastic. I got up to collect my things .

“This was really tasty, thank you. I just need to find my purse .”

“Already by the door on the coat rack. Your cute little sweater is right beside it .”

I looked towards the door. Huh. Whiskey was not joking about this whole ‘taking care of me’ thing .

“Thanks .”

“You go on outside, we’ll just clean up in here .”

“Uh… you sure you don’t want help ?”

“Not a chance , doll .”

Tags: Joanna Blake Devil's Riders Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024