Dance With The Devil (Devil's Riders 4) - Page 26

No luck. The closest one was 50 miles away, all the way back in town. I stared down at my kitten heels, wondering if I could walk .

Fifty miles on winding roads. In the dark. Alone. With all sorts of wild animals on the loose, human and not .

There were bears out here. Wolves too .

Hmmm… maybe not such a good idea .

“Arrgh !”

Whiskey looked taken aback at the sound I’d made in frustration. Not very ladylike, though at the moment I didn’t much care. I had a sudden insight as my mind did rapid calculations .

And I knew without a doubt, that Kaylie was behind this .

I texted her .

I’m going to get you for this .

She texted back immediately .

Have fun tonight! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! We’ll come get you tomorrow .

Tomorrow ?!??

I couldn’t help it. I made the sound again. Then I stomped back into the cabin. Whiskey was right on my heels .

I stopped so suddenly he nearly banged into me .

“Don’t follow me !”

He held up his hands .

“Sorry .”

Then I realized something. I might not have my breast pump but I would have to figure out a way to pump and dump anyway. Petunia was in good hands but I texted Mae anyway. She told me not to worry, thank goodness .

In fact… this sort of gave me license to drink since Eliza wouldn’t be getting her nightly feeding tonight anyway. I knew I had left a few bottles in the fridge anyway, so she would be fine. I always had backup .

I eyed the row of liquor bottles in the kitchen and made a decision. I was going to drink tonight. There was no reason not to. And it might even help .

I needed the distraction .

And the liquid courage .

It was certainly better than sitting here staring at Whiskey and drooling. Or thinking of ways to get my revenge on the so-called ‘friends’ who had put me in this predicament. Tar and feathers maybe. Public flogging sounded good at the moment .

They might have had their hearts in the right place, but at the moment I couldn’t even think about that. Right now all I wanted was revenge .

And a stiff drink .

I stomped my way over to the kitchen table that was serving as a makeshift bar. No one had even cracked the bottle of very expensive tequila silver that sat there. In fact, no one had drank at all from what I could see .

“Do you want a burger ?”

I shook my head, pouring myself a shot .

“Portobello? Grilled onions and peppers ?”

“No. Thank you .”

“Okay, I’ll put the food away. I can always cook you something if you want it later. Did you hear from anyone ?”

“Kaylie texted me .”

“Did she say when they would be back ?”

I threw back the shot and nodded. Then I poured another shot .

“Yes .”

“When ?”

I turned to stare at him, shot glass in hand. I saluted him with the glass and pounded it .

“Tomorrow .”

Chapter Nineteen


I left. I had to. I was watching Becky toss back drinks and glare at me. All I wanted to do was kiss the woman, and she clearly hated me .

But this night… well, it was almost too good to be true. If I could make the most of it. And at the moment, I didn’t quite know how .

I shook my head. This was a set up. It had to be. And if our friends had gone through this much trouble, I had to make it work .

But I couldn’t do that if she was plastered .

I cleaned up outside quickly, noticing there were two prime stakes left, as well as some marinated portobello mushrooms and two ready to be baked potatoes, already wrapped in tin foil .

I grinned .

Maybe we could celebrate with a home cooked meal .

If we reconciled .

Correction .

When we reconciled .

Of course, when I went back inside, she hadn’t thawed even a little. The bottle of tequila definitely had a dent in it. And now she was pulling on a beer .

“I thought you preferred wine .”

She shrugged, not bothering to answer .

“I haven’t drank anything in a long time. Maybe my tastes have changed .”

“How long? Were you sick? When you were gone, I mean .”

She stared at me steadily, ignoring my question .

“Did you need help outside with anything ?”

She was too cute. Even when she was mad at me, she was always so polite. She was a nurturer, my Becky. She had all those maternal instincts in spades .

I hoped I’d get to see that in action someday .

“No. I got it. Thanks .”

I looked around as I put the last of the food away, noticing the gas fireplace .

“I’m done now anyway. Do you want to play a game ?”

Tags: Joanna Blake Devil's Riders Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024