Dance With The Devil (Devil's Riders 4) - Page 17

Hell, I’d take as many of each as my beautiful wife was willing to give me .

“You okay there , Jack ?”

I turned to see Dev’s old lady, Kaylie. Even beyond the years I’d spent protecting her, she was the glue that held the Devil’s Riders’ family together. She was best friends with my wife, and Donnie’s. The three of them were thick as thieves. And to be honest, so were we .

I loved Kaylie like a little sister .

She was one of the sweetest and most sincere women around. Even Janet would agree with that. My own wife was phenomenal. Strong and spunky and far too good looking for my peace of mind. But nobody ever used the word sweet to describe her .

Firecracker, maybe. Wild thing, definitely. But not sweet. Even though she had a soft spot about a mile wide .

I cracked a smile, thinking about how ‘not sweet’ she could be when we were alone at night .

To me, Janet was just about perfect .

“Did Whiskey and Callaway really serenade Becky last night at 1 AM ?”

I groaned. I should have known. I was about to get interrogated .

This was not just a happy accident then. As much as I loathed getting involved in other people’s business, this was Whiskey. He was my third brother and I owed it to him to find out what I could .

I’d promised .

So I folded my arms and gave Kaylie a stern look .

“I won’t tell you.” I arched a brow at her crestfallen look. “Unless you share information with me .”

She giggled .

“An even exchange ?”

I nodded and she clapped her hands together gleefully .

“Deal! So did they ?”

“Apparently, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I dragged them off the roof of the clubhouse this morning .”

“Drunk as a skunk ?”

I nodded in the affirmative .

“Why does Becky hate him ?”

She shook her head sadly .

“She doesn’t hate him, Jack. He broke her heart .”

I grunted. I’d suspected as much .

“How exactly ?”

“He doesn’t know ?”

“ No clue .”

“Okay, but you can’t tell him exactly what I said .”

“Fine .”

“She saw him with a couple of club girls the night before she left .”

I frowned. That didn’t sound like Whiskey. He was hard to get, not like some of the manwhores we had who made the rounds with all of the sweetbutts .

In fact, I’d never seen him with one club girl, let alone two .

“ She’s sure ?”

“She said they were on his lap and, well, getting frisky.” She looked sad about it. I knew how she felt. We all loved Whiskey like a brother. I hated seeing him crumble like this. “They were all over him .”

I nodded .

“Well, maybe they just sat on him without asking. They’ve done it to me before. He’s not the sort to manhandle a lady, even to get them off him .”

“I was thinking the same thing.” She gave me a calculating look. “You’re sure he has real feelings for her ?”

“Told us he loved her. He was drunk but he meant it.” Now I gave her a look. “I don’t want him getting hurt. He’s more than messed up already .”

“She’s still hung up on him too. I think they could use a little help getting past whatever it is that’s holding them back .”

“We have to be careful about interfering. It could backfire. We don’t want to make things worse .”

“Trust me Jack, there’s more at stake than you know. We have to try .”

She held out her hand .

“Deal ?”

I cracked a smile and took her tiny little hand. We shook .

“Deal .”

Chapter Twelve


“S o, we need to get them somewhere alone ?”

Sally’s pretty face was scrunched up in worry. I knew how she felt. I was worried too, mostly about the baby situation. Janet was far more practical .

“Someplace without any sharp objects !”

“Dev said there was no way Whiskey was messing around with those girls. They probably just plopped on his lap and -”

“And Becks walked in at the perfect time .”

“The worst possible time. Dev said it happens all the time. The girls see him as a challenge. If Becky had stayed for thirty seconds, she would have seen him politely set them on their feet. It’s gotten so bad Whiskey never sits down anymore .”

“He sounds like a saint .”

“He’s not. But he is in love with her .”

Janet piped up, ever the voice of reality .

“Still? We’re sure ?”

I nodded .

“He told the guys. Just ask them. And they said he’s been mooning after her for years. I know she loves him too. Or at least, she did .”

“We have to help them !”

I took Sally’s hand and squeezed .

“My thoughts exactly .”

“So how do we get them together then ?”

Tags: Joanna Blake Devil's Riders Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024