Brazen Bachelor - Page 37

When Violet returns, I’m sure she’s been crying, but she doesn’t look me directly in the eye, so I can’t make sure. She settles in opposite me before slowly looking up, meeting my stare.

“I think if it’s a good opportunity, you should do it.” Her voice is calm, but there’s a slight tremble in her words. “I hate the spotlight, I always have, but if you choose to sign the contract and want to continue what we have, I ask one thing of you.”

Silence hangs heavily between us, so I nod. “I’ll do anything you want. Just don’t buy into the media and the news you might see. It’s a television show. One that feeds on drama to survive.”

“I’m a big girl, Colton. I know how reality shows work. But the one thing I ask is that if they do put a female lead into the show, and you’re meant to… You know… do things.” She waves her hand as if it’s nothing, but I can tell it hurts her to think about that. “I want you to tell me. I want to know that you’re not openly cheating on me even if the world thinks you’re single.”

“I’m not going to be doing anything with anyone other than you,” I bite out, but it’s not frustration or anger at her. It’s the thought of her even considering I would want to fuck anyone else.

“Fine.” She crosses her arms over her chest, which draws my attention to her beautiful breasts. Her cleavage teases me from across the table, and I can’t stop the groan from rumbling in my lungs. “God, you’re such a man.” Violet rolls her eyes, but there’s a hint of a smile dancing on her lips.

“I didn’t think you’d want me any other way,” I tease.

“Who said I wanted you?” This time, Violet laughs, and it’s the most melodic sound I’ve ever heard. I want to hear it again and again.

“Don’t get cheeky with me, love,” I warn, picking up the bottle of wine and refilling our glasses. “I’d like to ask you something else.” It’s been a night of honest questions and answers. And there’s one more thing I’d like, now that I know she’s okay with me signing the contract.

“What’s that?”

I lock my eyes on hers because I need her to know how serious I am. “I’d like to know if your apartment can be my escape, my sanctuary. It will give us time to get to know each other, and I’ll be able to get away from the cameras for short bouts. Not overnight if that’s not what you’re ready for, but—”

“You’d like to date me without dating me.” Once again, Violet reads my mind. She sips her drink, and I can’t stop my gaze lingering on her lips that are stained with the soft pinkish red of the wine. I want to taste it from her mouth, to tangle my tongue with hers, and revel in her flavor.

Pushing up from the chair, I make my way toward her. I offer her my hand, and when she accepts, I pull her to her feet. Gripping her hips, I hold her against me, close enough to see the pupils in her eyes widen and watch how her mouth parts on a soft gasp.

“I want this,” I declare, keeping her stare hostage. Then I lean in and brush my lips along hers, getting the flavor of wine on my tongue as I slowly trace her plump bottom lip and then the thinner top one.

“Then perhaps you should show me the rest of the apartment,” she suggests in a hushed tone that has a direct link to my dick. I agree, and so does he.



He walks me inside, allowing me to look around. My fingers trail across the furnishings, the soft, smooth leather of the couch, and for a moment, I imagine him there, with me, bent over. My imagination has been running wild since I said yes to him.

Even though he’s respected me by taking things slow, I know tonight I’m ready. I need him to take away the ache that’s slowly been taunting me each time he kisses me.

Colton shows me down the hallway toward the bedrooms, and I take in both before we make our way into the larger one. It’s warm inside, but it’s even hotter when he steps up behind me.

His heat is behind me, cocooning me when I reach the balcony doors of the bedroom, which lead out onto another balcony. He doesn’t open them. He doesn’t move. He merely watches me in the reflection, as if he’s waiting for a signal, a green light to finally take what he wants and give me what I need.

I smile, even though I’m not sure he can see me. He lifts his hands, holding my arms, and then gently trailing his fingers down toward my wrists. He lifts them, planting my palms against the window. It’s chilly to the touch, but he doesn’t cool my skin that’s heated from his nearness.

Tags: Dani Rene Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024