Knocked Up by the Killer - Page 42

So I said the first thing that came to mind.

“Kill Bennigan for me.”

He looked taken aback. His lips pulled into a frown and a little half laugh escaped his lips.

“Are you— you’re being serious? You want me to kill Bennigan?”

“Maybe not personally,” I said. “But someone in your crew. Or multiple someones. I don’t actually care how you do it.”

“And then what? You’ll just hand over my daughter?”

“Something like that.”

“I thought she wasn’t for sale. I thought you couldn’t control her.”

“She’s not, and I can’t. But you killing Bennigan will be good for both of us, and I suspect you won’t be able to hold on to her for very long. So it’s fairly low stakes for me.”

He grinned and shook his head. “I knew you were one fucked-up guy, Tanner, but this takes it. All your big talk about respecting her and she’s not for sale and whatever, all that’s gone as soon as you see a chance to get something from me.”

“Are you going to do it or not?”

He shrugged. “I could,” he said.

“Then go,” I said. “Go get started. I don’t want to wait long.”

“Let me see my daughter first.”

“No,” I said. “Walk out of here now and follow through with our deal, and then you can see her.”

He stared me down and I felt the tension drop like a blanket. I stared back and prepared to reach for my gun. I was younger, stronger, and faster than him, but he was a notorious gangster. I couldn’t rule him out. I couldn’t make any assumptions. One false move could end things.

But instead, he relaxed. “All right,” he said. “I take care of Bennigan, you convince my daughter to come stay with me. I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.”

“That’s the deal,” I said.

He nodded a few times then took a step toward me. I tensed, but he only reached out a hand.

I took it and we shook.

“Good doing business with you,” he said, grinning. “I’m glad we could have this chat. You know, man to man.”

I smiled back even though inwardly I wanted to crush the little bones in his hand. “It’s been a pleasure,” I said.

He released my hand and walked to the door. I watched him go, turned in to every single little movement he made. He looked back at me, shot me one last smile, then opened the door and walked into the hall. It slammed shut behind him.

I stood in the silent room as James Bond continues to play on mute on the TV.

I counted to fifty in my head before turning to the bedroom door.

As soon as I turned the knob, it flew open. I stumbled back as Elise crashed out into the living room.

“You asshole!”

She threw herself at me. I was too surprised to do anything but put my hands up. She punched at me, clawed at me, and shoved me hard. I took a step back and stared at her.

“You sold me!” she said. “You sold me out to my dad, you asshole. I heard every word. I heard what you did, you disgusting piece of shit.”

“Wait,” I said. “Hold on. I can explain, I was just—”

“You asshole,” she said and kicked me hard in the shin.

All right, that got me. That fucking hurt. I jumped up on one foot and clutched at the bruise. “Oh, motherfucker,” I said.

“Asshole,” she said again. “I can’t believe I trusted you. I can’t believe I thought you’d help me, but here you are, looking out for number one, you dick.”

“Wait,” I said. “Elise. I was just trying to play him.”

“You played yourself.” She glared at me then stormed off.

“Elise,” I said. “Stop!”

She ran to the door, threw it open, and disappeared into the hall.

I cursed and went after her.

She was halfway to the elevators. I ran after her, but she was fast. She faked left then smashed into the stairwell. She took them two at a time, throwing herself down recklessly.

“Elise!” I yelled, my voice echoing off the concrete steps. “Stop, I was just trying to knock him off balance. I was trying to fuck with him.”

“Leave me alone,” she said and ran faster.

A door on the tenth floor opened. I reached for my gun and stopped myself as a young couple stared at me with naked surprise. He was short with dark hair, and she was much taller, with wide hips and huge eyes.

Elise kept running and I came to a panting halt.

“Sorry,” I said to the couple. “Lover’s quarrel.”

The girl gave me a look, said something soft to her partner, and tugged him along.

I watched them go. The sound of Elise running away echoed up until she reached the bottom and was gone.

“Fuck,” I said, sitting back on the steps and breathing hard.

My shin throbbed from where she kicked me. That girl had a goddamn temper. I loved it normally, but not so much when it was directed at me.

Tags: B.B. Hamel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024