Nobody Knows (SWAT Generation 2.0 11) - Page 33

“Well, if you change your mind, my name is Meeshell.” She pronounced it exactly how it was spelled on her nametag. “I’m just right over there.”

“We won’t,” Malachi muttered as he started walking away before she’d even finished her speech. “What the fuck is her name?” he asked, looking down at me.

“Meeshell,” I repeated and spelled it for him. “That’s how it’s spelled on her nametag, anyway.”

He rolled his eyes. “What’s wrong with spelling it the right way?”

I moved through the next group of couches, then was forced to stop when Malachi did.

He walked up to what looked like the weirdest looking couch there.

The couch had tall arms, a wide, plush back, and pillows on top of pillows. It looked like it would be uncomfortable as hell.

He sat down on it and his eyebrows went up in surprise.

“Wow,” he said. “Sit on this.”

He leaned back and threw himself into the corner, all but kicking himself up onto the couch and laying out on it as if he was at home and not at a furniture store.

He closed his eyes and groaned.

“I don’t sleep much,” he admitted. “When I do, it’s on the couch a lot of times. This would actually be quite nice to fall asleep on.”

That made sense—him wanting a comfortable couch.

I fell asleep on mine a lot, too.

And I’d needed a new one for a while.

I got my parents’ old castoff, and though it was still super comfortable, it needed a blanket thrown over one arm from multiple years of my dad sitting in one exact spot and wearing the fabric down.

I plopped down in the small space that Malachi’s full-body splay afforded me and groaned.

“Wow,” I said, leaning my head back and letting it rest on the cushion.

My ponytail came to a rest right beside Malachi’s hand, and he latched onto it, his fingers curling around the entire thing and twirling it around his finger.

I felt tingles of awareness start to slowly course through me, and mentally warned myself to cool my jets. He wasn’t trying to make this anything more than it was. I’d only put my hair in his hand. It was a reaction.

It wasn’t anything sexual, Sierra. So tuck that need back in.

It was need, too.

I’d never felt anywhere near the need for Mark that I did for Malachi.

That was what was so weird.

Even when I was with Mark, he didn’t illicit this kind of excitement from me.

Nor did he ever make me want to rip my clothes off and jump on his cock in the middle of a freakin’ furniture store.

I’d never, not ever, been into voyeurism. However, for Malachi, I might just be willing to give it a chance.

“What do you think?” he asked, roughly yanking me out of my thoughts with his honey, gravelly voice.

“Umm,” I said as I sank in even deeper.

Having my hair played with was my all-time favorite thing to have done. Seriously, if he’d pulled my ponytail out and started to sift his fingers through it, I wasn’t going to be able to control my actions.

“That good, right?” he agreed with an amused tone to his voice. “I think we should get it.”


“Okay,” I sighed.

“That way I can sleep on your couch,” he continued.

He could sleep in my bed if he wanted…

“Sounds good,” I said.

“What sounds good?” Grans asked. “Oh, push over, kid. I want to try that one.”

Malachi pushed over, which brought him even closer to my body.

I all but purred when he put his arm around my shoulder—I knew he was doing this because I was in the way, not because he wanted me closer—and then he pulled me in close.

I found my head resting on his chest as he kicked his feet up onto the coffee table in front of him.

“This is the couch,” Grans said as she snuggled in on her own side.

However, I couldn’t see her over Malachi’s muscular chest due to the way the couch had sucked me in and made me a part of it.

Malachi said something, but I was so focused on his chest rumbling underneath my head that I didn’t pay attention to his words.

Not until he stood up and I all but face dived into the cushion where his ass had recently been.

He looked down at me with laughter filling his eyes.

“Very cute,” he said as he held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

Grans and Oston moved surprisingly fast in front of us, and I had to actually work for it to keep up.

When we got up to the counter, Oston expertly started to ring everyone up.

First Grans paid for her couch they had found, then he started on mine.

I was honestly in a constant state of excitement since I’d gotten off the couch—and there were things that were happening in my panties that hadn’t ever happened before—when he opened his mouth and ruined my high.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale SWAT Generation 2.0 Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024