The Yeah, Baby Series - Page 24

I threaded my fingers through her hair on either side of her head and held her close so I could pump into her mouth. “Keep your pretty lips closed around it, Jade. Good—ooooh—yeah, take more. I want to watch every inch disappear down your throat, sweetheart. Mmm, yes, that’s fan-fucking-tastic.”

She moaned as I spoke, the words adding to her own arousal, and I could tell she was enjoying this as much as I was. The thought of my woman getting off on sucking my cock was like a match to gasoline. My eyes slid closed and I began pumping up into her mouth, guiding her head as it bobbed up and down. “Suck it hard, sweetheart. Oh, fuck yeah.”

I cracked my eyes open, wanting to watch my length disappear into her mouth and saw her hand creeping down toward her pussy. “No!” I barked and wrenched her away from me, startling her. I gripped her under the arms and dragged her up into my lap. “That pussy belongs to me, Jade,” I snarled. “It’s mine and only mine. If you need relief, pleasure, you ask me. I will be the one to give it to you. Is that clear?”

Jade blinked at me for a second, but it seemed to sink in and she smirked at me. “You own my pussy, Lucas?”

I made a strangled sound in the affirmative.

She leaned forward until our lips were a breath away, her gem colored eyes staring straight into my brown ones.

“Prove it.”

My mouth crashed onto hers and I jerked her up before slamming her down on my cock, both of us rearing back and our lips separating as we cried out at the intense feeling. I rested against the seat and gripped her waist, watching as I started pounding up into her tight, hot, little pussy. Her big, beautiful tits bounced heavily as she rode me, her creamy white skin turning rosy with the flush of desire and need. Her hands landed on my shoulders, helping her to keep her balance as she met my every thrust, her head thrown back, lusty sounds of pleasure torn from her throat.

She was so fucking incredible and every time we were together it was more amazing than the last. I didn’t know what that said for our life expectancy because if it got any better, it was liable to kill us. Who the fuck cared, anyway. What a way to go.

“Lucas, I’m almost—harder, babe! Harder!”

Yes, ma’am.

“Sit up on your knees on the seat, sweetheart,” I commanded, “and spread your legs as wide as you can. Keep holding on to me for support.”

She followed my instructions unquestioningly, trusting me to take care of her. Once she was in place, I widened my legs to keep her open and shifted her over me so she was slightly more forward over my groin.

In this position, every upward thrust had my cock angled to hit her g-spot. Moving my hands from her hips, I squeezed her ass in my palms and planted my feet flat on the ground. Using every bit of leverage, I began thrusting hard and fast, my pelvis slamming into her pussy, my balls slapping her ass and her cries became frantic, pleading for me to make her come.

“You wanted harder, sweetheart. I wanted deeper. Squeeze me, Jade. Don’t let my cock go. You’re so wet, I don’t want to slide out. Hold on to me.” The suctioning in her pussy grew and it was getting harder to drag my cock back out so I could dive back in. “Fuck, yeah! That’s it, sweetheart. A little more.”

I held off letting her go until I felt my balls draw up. A slow burn started at the base of my spine and spread quickly throughout my body. Gripping the cheeks of her ass so hard, I was sure I’d leave bruises, I parted the globes and one long middle finger rimmed the puckered little hole. She jolted and her eyes whipped open to stare at me in surprise, but I kept pushing forward. Literally.

“Trust me, sweetheart.”

Eyes locked, on my next thrust, I dipped the tip of the finger inside and the muscles contracted, her pussy walls clamped down on my cock, and we came together with a shout.

Waves and waves of ecstasy crashed over me, hard jets of hot semen splashing inside her. Our bodies were shuddering with slowly abating convulsions, our lungs struggling to catch oxygen.

There was nothing, not the sun, the moon, or the stars, nothing as beautiful as Jade when she came. And, knowing I’m the man who put that look on her face, the only man who ever will again, it set off a second, smaller orgasm.

Jade slumped forward, collapsing on me, and my arms automatically went around her, gathering her close. I buried my face in her hair and took a long, slow breath. This was mine, for the rest of my life. Mine. And, nobody was going to convince me otherwise. I had enough wealth to start hundreds of new companies. If keeping Jade meant I lost the company I built with my dad, then so be it.



After my morning ritual of puking and brushing my teeth, I left Lucas sleeping soundly in bed. He looked all rumpled and sexy, and I badly wanted to climb back in with him. I needed some ginger herbal tea and toast more than I yearned to feel the warmth of his arms wrapped around me again. I padded into the kitchen, giggling about the whole barefoot and pregnant thing as I puttered around. The laughter quickly died when I grabbed the paper from the counter. One of the cleaning staff Lucas had hired must have left it there for him to read over breakfast. Looking at the picture of the two of us staring up at me from the society pages, I was relieved to have beaten him down here.

The picture had been taken when he was helping me into the limousine. His hand had slipped from my lower back to the curve of my ass right when the photographer had snapped it. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the look in his eyes was beyond heated. It reminded me of a wild animal who’d caught sight of its prey, and there was no mistaking who he was stalking—his step-sister, as the headline proclaimed in bold print.

“I can’t seem to catch a break,” I mumbled, dropping my head onto the cool granite of the countertop.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad, sweetheart,” Lucas murmured in my ear, wrapping his body around me and pressing mine against the cabinets. “Not when my morning is starting off with the sight of you bent over like this.”

My fist clenched and the crinkling of the newspaper caught his attention. He took a step backwards and slid the paper away from me, smoothing the wrinkles out as he read the article. I swiveled around, picking up my tea and sipping it while I watched him, wanting to see his reaction. His eyes were grave when they met mine once he was done. “Looks like the cat might be out of the bag. I better contact the company’s head of public relations, fill her in on the situation and see how she thinks we should handle it.”

He didn’t look too upset, which surprised me considering what he’d told me about keeping our relationship quiet just the other day. It gave me hope for our future as a couple, but I didn’t like being called a situation. I sure as heck didn’t appreciate someone else getting to decide how, if, and when we talked about our relationship.

“I’ll give you five days, Lucas.”

“For what, sweetheart?” he asked distractedly, staring down at his cell phone while he typed out a message.

“Five days to figure out how you’re going to handle the situation.” I practically spit the words out. “I’m giving you five days to decide exactly how important I am to you.”

My explanation certainly captured his attention, and his anger too, judging by the hint of fury in his eyes. “And what exactly happens after then?”

“I refuse to be your dirty secret. My mom was married to your dad one day before they died. We weren’t raised together. Heck, we didn’t even know each other when we first met, when we created a life together.” My hand curled around my stomach protectively. “I’m not ashamed of what happened between us, of my feelings for you. For six weeks, I knew what it felt like to miss you. I like having you back in my life. More than like it, even.”

I took a step closer to him, resting my hand on his chest while I stared up into his eyes. “I’m falling for you, Lucas. So hard and fast that I’m already half-in-love with you. Maybe even all the way.”

His eyes lit with male satisfaction at my admission. “You have to know I l—“

I pressed my

finger to his lips, stopping the flow of words. “Not like this.” I shook my head emphatically, tears welling in my eyes. Stupid hormones. “Not right now. I want you to take these five days and really think about what you want. It can’t be a knee-jerk reaction to the thought of losing me or the baby. And while you’re thinking, you have to know I’d never keep you from him or her. Your decision needs to be about where you see our relationship going. Just the two of us, as a couple.”

“Dammit, Jade, you’re not being fair.”

“I’m sorry,” I murmured softly. “But I don’t have time to worry about fair. I’m carrying your baby and I have my debut show to get ready for in five days. Once it’s over, I’ll be ready to hear what you have to say. Until then, I’ll keep my lips shut to the press if anyone happens to call me. I won’t be easy to find, though, since I’ll be busy at the gallery.”

“Too busy to spend time with me?” Disappointment was clear in his tone, and there might even have been a hint of hurt there too.

“I’ll be home each night,” I sighed. “In your bed, if that’s where you want me.”

“Then I guess we have a deal. Five days from today, the minute your art show is over, you’ll have an answer,” he gritted out, swooping down to claim my mouth in a brutal kiss. “In the meantime, your ass better be in my bed each night. Or else.”

My knees buckled when he strode out of the room, and I moved over to the padded seat in front of the picture window and dropped down onto it. I’d snagged my phone off the counter on my way across the room and typed out a 911 text to my best friend. We’d been playing phone tag ever since I’d found out Lucas was my step-brother and I was pregnant with his baby. I’d had too much going on to worry about not connecting with her, but now it was urgent I spoke with her. I needed my bestie, she was the only person in the world who could possibly understand what I was going through. Lucky for me it only took about a minute before my phone rang with her call.

Tags: Fiona Davenport Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024