Tempt the Ex (Tempt 2.5) - Page 10

Chapter 6


I stand by the window, watching to see if I see anything. The whole time walking to the library, I had the feeling someone was actually watching me, and it was scary as fuck. Thank God, I had Diane and Maggie with me. I opened the door, making them go in front of me, and when I see them inside, I turn to see if I can see anyone, but no one is there.

I walk into the library and stand by the window to check to see if someone is out there, and what I see makes my stomach queasy. Arya is talking to John but not just talking, she’s fucking touching him. “I’m going to break her fucking fingers if she doesn’t move away from him,” I say under my breath. I also see that John stepped back so her hands fall away from him. I see him walk around her and then see him turn back at something she said, but then I see her coming to the library. I get away from the window and run smack into her when she walks in. “Hey.” I smile at her. “What’s up?”

She looks pale as she sees me. “Oh, hey. I was coming to see if I could have some quiet time and work on my next couple of projects.”

“Oh, yeah.” I walk with her to the table. “So are you here alone?” I ask her, and she nods. “Yeah, I just got out of class and came here.” I notice she doesn’t even mention John.

I nod at her as I go to the table with Diane and Maggie, grabbing my bag and making an excuse to leave. While I walk out of the library, I call my sister. “Okay, so I don’t know if my mind is getting the best of me,” I say as soon as she answers, “but I think someone is following me, and I also think that rancid vagina Arya is trying to get John.”

“Holy shit, can we do one thing at a time?” she says. “I mean, I spoke with you yesterday. How could all this happen in less than twenty-four hours? Have you been watching Dateline?”

I scoff at her. “No. So I’ve been getting notes on my car about me,” I say as I walk across campus.

“What kind of notes?” Melissa asks. “Like ransom notes?”

I roll my eyes. “No, just basic ‘you’re beautiful’ notes,” I tell her as I get into my car.

“Do you recognize the writing?” she asks as I start the car.

“No, there isn’t writing. It’s just words glued on a paper.”

“Shut the fuck up!” she shouts. “You’re making this up.”

I shake my head as I say, “No. I swear. It’s crazy, right?”

“You need to go to the police. Jesus, what if the guy is legit insane and wants to kidnap you and then drives across the country with your head as a hat?” Her voice goes higher and higher.

“Okay, who is the one watching too much Dateline now?” I tell her as I put the car in park when I arrive home. “Anyway, I thought someone was following me today, so I walked inside the library, and when I went to look out, there was no one suspicious, but I did see Arya with John. She touched him.”

“That bitch!” Melissa shrieks. “What did you do? Did you tell her you’re onto her? Did you kick her in her nasty vagina? I hate her.”

“No, but she didn’t mention that she saw John when she came into the library, which is weird, right? I mean, if my friend broke up with her boyfriend, I would tell her every single time I saw him.”

“She is a sheep dressed in a wolf outfit.” Melissa agrees with me. “But seriously, I would make sure you are never alone. The letters are a bit creepy.”

“I know, I’m going to make sure that my mace is always with me from now on,” I tell her as I get out of the car. “By the way, I got your costume that you sent me for Monster Mash. Is that the same one Elle Woods wore in Legally Blonde?” I laugh, thinking of the costume with the bunny ears.

“Yes. It cost me almost three hundred bucks, so don’t get vomit on it or sperm.”

“You know I can’t wear that, right?” I tell her as I walk into my dorm room.

“Why not? It’s like a swimsuit. Don’t be a party pooper. Wear the fucking outfit.” She laughs.

“Fine,” I agree. “But if I get butchered and some man is walking around with my intestines around his shoulders and my bunny ears, it’s on you,” I say as I hang up the phone and pick up the box.

“This better be worth it,” I say to myself, tucking it away when I hear the key in the door, and Arya comes in. “Hey,” I say as she walks to her side of the room and grumbles. “Are you all ready for the Monster Mash this weekend?” I ask her as she climbs up on her bed and lies down, kicking her shoes off.

Tags: Natasha Madison Tempt Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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