Tempt The Boss (Tempt 1) - Page 19

I’m at the deli having lunch. I didn’t think you would be finished so soon. My bad.

I don’t pay you to think. Bring me my lunch.

I smash my phone down on the table. That’s it. I’ve fucking had it.

I walk over to the Walgreens across the street. I pick up a bottle of Dulcolax. “You don’t pay me to get your lunch either, asshole,” I grumble to myself while I walk back to the office. Once I make it there, I go the other route, picking up a water bottle from the kitchen.

I take a quick look around the kitchen, checking to see if anyone is coming this direction. When I see no one is there, I take out the Dulcolax and open the package.

I start reading the dosage instructions on the package when I hear someone coming. I shove the box and the bottle into my purse. When I turn around, I see Steven walking in.

“Hey. Are you having lunch?” he asks, going to the fridge and grabbing his bag.

“Nope, just finished. I’m picking up a water bottle for Austin. I just got his lunch.” The fact I’m lying and that I might be caught is too much.

My neck starts to burn, and I’m pretty sure he can hear my heart beating it’s so loud.

“Oh, he hates water. Bring him a Coke instead,” Steven suggests while he smiles and walks out.

Fuck. I walk back in and grab a Coke can out of the fridge. Looking for a glass, I finally find a red solo cup in one of the cupboards.

I open my purse, scan the package, and see that the dose is five ml. I have no idea how much five ml is, so I use the cap to measure, hoping for the best. What’s the worst that can happen? I can’t control the snicker that bursts from my mouth.

Pouring the Coke into the cup, I grab a spoon and stir it. There you go, Asshat. Take that!

I walk back to my desk, depositing my purse on it.

His door is open and so are the shades. When I peek my head inside, he is sitting alone on the couch, his jacket still on. Jesus, he had sex and still looks the same.

I dump the bag on top of the table in front of him, placing the cup of laxative-laced Coke next to it.

“What took you so long?” he growls, grabbing the bag and opening it to take out his sandwich.

“How was I supposed to know it would take you ten minutes to seal the deal?” I cross my arms under my boobs while I lean on one leg.

He takes two bites of his sandwich and then drinks a long gulp of Coke. “You going to watch me eat?” He looks at me from the corner of his eye.

I don’t reply to him. Instead, I turn on my heel and walk out, taking a seat at my desk as I watch him eat his lunch and drink the Coke. When he’s finished, he throws everything out, including the cup.

He doesn’t buzz me or talk to me until five minutes to three, when he gets up and walks out of his office.

“Let’s go, Denis is here.”

I grab everything I need and follow him to the conference room. Right before he opens the door, I hear his stomach start gurgling.

He looks up to see if I heard it, but I keep my head down, pretending I didn’t. It’s all I can do not to laugh out loud.

I’m introduced to Denis, who is a short, older man with that bald-on-top-hair-wrapped-around-the-sides thing going on.

I don’t say anything else to him as I put my things down and start to set up the PowerPoint presentation.

Denis and Austin start talking, but his stomach gurgles again, this time louder.

I look over at him and notice that his forehead is starting to get shiny and beads of sweat are forming on his temples.

He takes off his jacket, unbuttons his cuffs, and rolls up his sleeves. He walks to the end of the table where water bottles are set up.

Opening one, he drinks half of it, then sits down at the head of the table.

I start the presentation and Denis starts speaking. “We have a great setup with the tables for the day crowd and the dinner rush. The good news is that once they’re cleared away after the dinner service, the space has a good-sized dance floor.” I look at the display, seeing what he is saying.

Austin’s stomach grumbles very loudly. So loudly that Denis stops talking and we both look over at him. I see sweat is now pouring down the sides of his face, which is flushed and looks pained.

Denis looks over at him, his eyebrows raised in question. “Are you okay, Austin?”

He doesn’t answer, but his stomach lets out another loud grumble before he shoots out of his chair, running for the door.

Tags: Natasha Madison Tempt Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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